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Lumbermen Golfers Prepare for Battle at San Gabriel January 30
What, ho!
Here is a lumbermen's golf tournament all cooked up and just about ready to bring all the boys in Southern California who can play golf, or think they can play golf, together at the San Gabriel Country Club on Tuesday, January 30.
That's about all there is to it. Every lumberman in Southern California and every lumberman from any other part of the universe who can be at San Gabriel on that particular day is eligible to enter in the tournament and share in the day's fun.
Play will start at 9 o'clock in the morning and various competitive matches will continue through the whole day.
The entrance fee will be $5, which will pay for lunch, dinner, green fees and go to pay,for the prizes.
An informal committee in charge of arrangements consists of Mark Lillard, Robert Forgie, F. M. ("C"pPy") Slade and G. R. Tully.
The committee has only a partial list of the golf,ers in Southern California and is eager to hear from all who play themselves, or who know of others who play.
' Send in your name and fee to Mr. Lillard or Mr. Forgie at ffi2 Central Building, Los Angeles; Telephone, 159-29.
The committee ought to be notified in advance of every- one who expects to take part in the play, so that they can arrange for accomodations at the club.
The tournament is open to all lurnbermen, resident or .visiting in South,ern California, regardless of how well or how poorly they play.
Some handsom'e and substantial prizes are being hung up by vari'otts firms and individuals as w'ell as by the committee.
Vt*V entries are coming in already. By the day of the toury'ament a small army rvill be on hand.
VAt the recent annual meeting of the Douglas Fir Club of San Francisco, Walter C. Ball of the J. R. Hanify Co. was re-elected president, F:ank O'Conner of the Donovan Lumber Co., vice president, and Frank Paranlino of the Paramino Lumber Co., secretary and treasurer. This will be Mr. Ball's third term as president. ,Mr. Paramino has been secretary and, treasurer of the club ever since it was , organized about ten years ago.
The Douglas Fir Club meets every Tuesday and its members are either owners or direct mill representatives of the Douglas fir mills of the Northwest.