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TheThree Things
Nettleton Lumber Co. Gets Four More Ships
Four additional lun.rber carriers for service between Puget Sound and Southern California have just been char-' tered by the Nettleton Lumber Company of Seattle and will be placed on this run at once.
The vessels are the Santa Rita, the Santa Inez and the John C. Kirkpatrick, each r,vith a capacity of 1,500,000 feet, and the schooner Rose Mahony with a capacity ol 2,640,000 feet. The Rose Mahony probably will be towed by one of the other vessels. The company also has available the motor ship Culverra and occasionally charters several of the Forest fleet ,of boats. Heretofore the company has been handling fully 8,000,000 feet a month but the new arrangement will greatly augment that supply.
L. R. Gaynor, Jr., manager of the Nettleton Lumber Company, has been in California for the last week. While in San Francisco he concluded negotiations with the vessel owners for these charters. He now is in Los Angeles where the company maintains its southern sales offrce in charge of Paul IVIasters.
The Nettleton Lum'ber Compa,ny operates at Seattle' one of the largest and most modern mills in the fir district and also has direct satres connections with half a dozen or more oI the best mills in both the Seattle and Everett districts. It is able to draw on all these plans to satisfy its southern California requirernents.
"With all these mills to supply us with stock and a good fleet of vessels to carry it, we hope to be giving even better service through the present year than we gave last," said Mr. Gaynor. "While we have had our office in Californit only a year now, we are convinced that this is the biggest lumber market in the world so far as the fir trade is -concerned. The rail trade in the Northwest has not been so very brisk for the last several months, but this is clue partly to the car shortage; but even with a normal car supply giving full access to the markets of the Middle West, California continues by far the best lumber market we have."
The Nettleton Lumber Company has completed arrangements to move its Los Angeles ofifices from the ConsoLidated Realty building to the new Bank of Italy building, now nearing completion.
The Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco h€ld their first meeting of the New Year at the Palace Hotel on January 8.
Eien Reed, Secretary of the Lumber Association of San Francisco, was the guest of the day and gave an excelient talk on salesmanship and the m,erchandising of lumber. He also spoke 'on the uses of wood in the lumber industry and announced that the Lumber Association were offering a prize of $50 to the lumber salesman, who made the most original sale in San Francisco within the next sixty {a-ys. ietters of appreciation were read from H. J. Williams, George Cornrvall, and Jack Dionne, who were reeently made honoiary members of the Club. Arrangements for the club bowling tournament have been completed and the first session was heid on January 11.
The San Pedro Lumber Company has acquired a new wharf site at Los Angeles harbor, on the north side of the \\rest Basin and, it is understood, will develop it for its future operation. The new site will provide considerably more room than the old.
r-Thatch rnakes the Home Beaucifull
UPREME in its artistic color appeal, of trnchallenged durability, Color-Thatch will become known to Californians as a roof and sidewall covering par-excellent.
color-Thatch is our trade narne for comb grain (quarter-sawn) red cedar shingles of perfect grade specifications, entirely irnpregnated by special process with Cabot's creosote shingle stain.
Cabot's stains have, for half a century, been the standard of quality by which all other shingle stains are judged. That they arethelongest lived, of rnost durable and beautiful color, is due to years o.f experience and staunch Yankee honrdsty in their selection of ingredients and manufacture.
California lumber merchants will find an instantaneous demand for Color-Thatch-and it will be a teal money rnaker for you.
Space forbids our telling you all about ColorThatch here, but your inquiry will bring complete information, and prices, and our dealer proposition.
The Willianrs Stained Shingle Co., Vancouver, Wash., U. S. A.
Gentlemen: Please send me dealer proposition, prices and cornplete informatiorr about Color-Thatch.