2 minute read
Aar@ss lEeca\ilse It Cannies the Good Old lPensonal 'l[ouc[t
Here is a very efiective and unusually impressive form of holiday letter which went out this season to the friends and patrons of the Brey-Wright Lumber Company of Porterville.
Besides conveying the formal greetings of the firm, the letter carries i delightfully intimate and personal 'touch that caanot be given jn an ,ordinary form letter. This is due to the obvious circumstance that it contains an abundance of originality in both thought and expression. It was signed by Alberta Ruth Brey, vice president of the company, who dou,btless was the authoJ, and who is a y,oung woman of many original ideas. Anyway, read the letter:
Christmas ! Under the magic of that word-Christmas-the time of H,olly, Roast Turkey, Plum Pudding, and Santa Claus-our business cares are forgotten. Christmas I The wish comes to extend the greetings of the Season to y,ou.
Christmas ! That season when everyone thinks less of himself and mbre of his fellow men. And thinking of our fellow men, makes us think of you.
We wish to thank you for the business you have placed with us. It is sincerely appreciated. We wish to thank you for your cooperation, and for your indulgences when we mav have been at fault, a few unfavorable situations may arise no ,matter how hard we may try to avoid them.
Christmas-and then the NEW YEA,R! It is the New Year that concerns us all now. The Old Year will soon be past, and no matter how much you wish you can never bring it back. And so with the New Year before you, the ever changing scenes that it brings, we can only stop for a mom,ent and wish you and yours Success in all you undertake; Happiness in your daily duties, and Prosperity. [{ay these all be yours not only for this Nelv Year, but for all the New Years to come.
The taunting rem;arks of h,is friends to F;orrest Wilson of the Fletcher-Frambes lumber organization on the eve nf his departure for San Francisco just before Christmas seem to have been founded on reason. For he returned ,home a few days ago a happily married man. The bride was Miss Ida Aicher, the sweetheart of his school-days, and one of the fairest daughters of Oakland. After a honeymoon of three or four days around San Francisco Mr. Wilson returned to his office in Los Angeles but is going north very soon to br.i-ng his young wife back with ,him. They will live in Lo's Angeles.
It is the selection of only the best rough oak lumber. All lumber is thoroughly air dried before being placed in kiln.
It is kiln-dried in modern moist-air kilne.
All lumber allowed to cool for 72 hours after kiln-drying, so that it will attain its natural condition before it is manufactured intb flooring.
Modern machinery used in ripping, which reduces crooked flooring to a minimum.
Best side-matcher machines known, kept in perfect condition at all times, thus insuring perfectly matched stocl(.
A famous end-matcher machine used, making this feature of our fooring perfect.
High class, experienced graders, standing directly behind the machine, mark the grades as the stock is manufactured.
Chief inspector and several assistants constantly check the grading of the men behind the machines.
All Long-Bell oak flooring is bundled with annealed wire, two pieces to each bundle.
Moisture-proof sheds keep the stock in perfect condition.
A large well assorted stock on hand at all times, enabling us to give prompt service to our trade.
Good average lengths shipped in all grades and sizes.
Long-Bell oak fooring can be identified by the LongBell trade-mark on every piece.