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Clark Tells How Rite-Grade Folks Will Help Dealers in 1923
An advertising campaign for Rite-Grade shingles which will reach the architect, contractor, retail lumber dealer and the building public during 1923 has been planned by the Rite-Grade Shingle Association, according to the re- port m,ade by Donald H. Clark, secretarymanager, before the Srhingle Congress which convened in Seattle, recently.
'JThe big feature of ow 1923 program," exolained Mr. Clark "will Le the intensive backittg up of dealers with proper advertising matter to use in their own territory in addition to the advertising which the Association is do. ing direct to the users of shingles. There will be an adequate background of national advertising carried in national magazines which appeal especially to home owners and those who have a great inter- the bill-will be told the Rrte-Grade story in his or her own favorite publication and in lan,guage adapted to the individual interest.
"In order to keep in the closest touch with the dealer, miessages will be carried to him eaeh month through the leading lum'ber trade journals. A prominent feature of this advertising will be the intr,oduction of a new trade character called the "Rite-Grade Inspector":lhrough u'hich we will be able to picture in a graphic way. the real idea behind the inspection of Rite-Grade shinglis, and impress on the retail lumber dealer that our sh,ingles are really given thorough inspection by trained men."
Specific dealer helps mentioned by'Mr. Clark in his report include reprints of the folders which proved most popular last year. The Right Grade of Rite-Grade, Mr. Shing Gelnail, and Simple Secrets of a Forty Year Roof. A Dealer Service Catalogue will also be issued, listing all the vari'ous dealer helps and including reproductions oI the electrotypes, trademarks, motion picture slides, etc., which the Association furnishes. Two new helps will also be furnished-the Rite-Grade Wall-Chart for' architects and retail lumber offices and an outdoor sign to be used on jobs wh.ere Rite-Grade shingles are being used, carrying the est in bettering their homes.
"Because of-the ever increasing use of shingles on the farm the Rite-Grade program this year is going to pay special attention to the development of the farm market. This will be reached through a series of advertisements in a national farm magazine with a heavy circulation in the states where the mrost shingles are sold. These advertisements will feature a new booklet, "Shingles on the Farm" which will give the farmer real instructive help for-the use of shingles lbout his farm and will inform him of the RiteGrade ideas which enables him to secure a standardized and guaranteed shingle.
",\ichitectural and building journals will carry the kind of technical information to their readers which will impr'ess tlpon tlretri strongly the ircll'antaes of using -RiteGrade Inspected shingles. In fact every important factor in the diitribution of Rite-Grade shingles,-dealer, contractor, architect, builder and the man and woman who foot
Did You Know
that this firm sells high grade Sugar and White Pine, Red Gum, Oak, and cabinet woods as well as Pacific Coast Forest Products?
How do you like our "Shingle Service?"
Stoclc Exchangc Bldg. Pico 3233
Rite-Grade Inspector who Will Be Made Prominent in Advertising
name of the dealer who sold the shingles. There will also be a ftrll supply of the "Prize Book of All-Shingle Homes" which was so greatly in demand last year and a new "Garage" folder which will show plans for several popular types of all-shingle rgarages. - ;'The entire plan for oar 1923 campaign," explained Mr. Clark, "is designed to follow-up closely and to supplement the one which has been carried on for several years by the Rite-Grade Shingle Association. We have spent many months gathering data from Rite-Grade dealers throughout the country; and in analyzing the_ successful elements of our previous campaigns. The result is a program designed to aisist Rite-Grade. dealers in the sale of Rite-Grade shingles in the way they like best. Demand for Rite-Grade shingles is growing every year. This growing appreciation among architects, builders, dealers, and home owners throughout the country that the best is really the cheapest in the long run, and that they are willing to pay a reasonable premium for a Red Cedar shingle that is standardized and guaranteed."