1 minute read
Mr. Dealer-
I you want to Progrsss-kssp in step with STARKS-who originated the staining of shingles in the Bundle while hot and free from moiih*e "" th"y come from the Dry Kilns.
with Starks Outside Stains-guaranteed not to wash off or fade in five yearr.
IOO% wood preserving Coal Tar, Creosote Oils and chemically Pure Colors.
Why Pay Third Man Extra Profit
to stain shingles in transit, with unhnown ttEo calledtt ehingle stainr that are NOT guaranteed.
"The Shingle Beautiful" Insist Upon ') "5 Year Guaranteett t 6'MiIl Guaranteett t'Price per Thousand NOT per Squarett Start Right---Starr Rieht
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