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New Year Gives Big Promise to Pacific Coast Lumber Producers
The passing ot 1922 and the beginning oI 1923 opened a year of more than usual promise to the lumber'manufacturers of the Pacific Coast.
In 1922 the, production of Southern Pine was much greater than in 192I. It was, in fact, a most 'prosperous year for the producers of that commodity' and the 'market demands caused the Southern mills to produoe to the limit at splendid prices.
The result was that the year cl'osed with Southern Pine bringing a high market level, and with the prodtrcers of that comm'odity "sitting pretty" as the saying goes' i And there ,are scores of big pine mills in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi to whom a y'ea:'s cut is now a great part 'of their timber, who now with every month that passes secure a greater respect for their remaining trees. And this respect that g:ows with scarcity, mreans prosperity for western lumber producers, because with this respect comes a sense of value unknown in yeers gone by,
And while that means much to Southern Pine folks, it also has a significant meaning to western lumber producers, for prosperity for Southern P,ine means less severe competition with w,estern w,oods wherever they meet; and increased production of Sortfhern Pine brings nearer the day when westeln woods will be called upon-without intense competition-to supply places where in the past Southern Pine has long been used.
Within twelve months, for example, a string of the biggest and best kn,own Southern P,ine mills of Louisiana will :cut their last log. One firm operating two huge mills at one point, will be cut and gone. Another firm operating a 200,000 capacity single shift mill, will be through. Another firm operating one of the big quality 'mills of the state, u/ill cl'ose its doors, and blow its whistle for the last ,t,ime. All three of these plants are located in the famous 'Calcasieu long leaf district. There are a string of other piire mills in Louisiana and Texas that will cut their last log, or very ,close to it, in 1923.
In other words, regardless of conditions, Southe:n Pine is never going to be "given away" again.
Also in Louisiana there is a stern realization at this New Year time of the rapid reduction of that other great product-never large in supply and always valuable because of its original scarcity-Cypress.
In the next few months two ,of the ibiggest and best known Cypress m'ills in the state will blow their last whistle, and there are others that are rapidly getting close to their last logging site. Already.Cypress money is moving west.
It would seem reasonable that Cypress men would be interested in that timber 'most like their own for general utility-Redwood. There are many millions of Cypress cash in Louisiana that might be enticed toward California Redwood, it would seem.
During the year 1922 great quantities of Douglas Fir railroad timbers were sold in the huge Texas teiritory. Also west Texas bought considerable Fir lunrrber. The shipment of Fir lumber into Texas terminated where the short rates on Southern Pine began. But with every month that passes there .is opportunity for Fir to enter that great lnmber consuming territory.
'fexas and Oklahoma comprise one of the greatest lumber consuming territories on earth. Already that district
(,Continued on Page 36)
What's In A Name?

Eighteen years ago when owners of lumber properties into existence of the a group of twenty-three made possible the coming
Lumbermen's Underwriting AIIiance
A Southern Lumberman urrefts3-
"We like the name you have chosen for the youngster. To ua 'ALLIANCE' spells CO-OPERATION ""d th" future stren_gth y_hi.h co-operation will make possible. We predict a rapid and healthy growth for a new enterprise so well named."
This pioneer subscriber _to a pioneer exchange prophesied even better than he realized. The twenty-three origin"at iuric.iueri rtave increas,ed mapy-fold, and the modest $400,0m volume "f b;ri;;; covered by its first policies is now $120,000,000 or 300 TIMES as iaili.
Lumbermen who are not yet co-operating with the largest and strongest source of fire indemnity for lumbei properties at-reduced cost are cordially invited to confer with us, oi our representatives. Write or wire us that we may have them call.
Fir, Hemlock, Spruce and Red Cedar Products