1 minute read
Paint up, like build up, is a constructive eletnent, a positive force in the ptogress of civilization. But paint up depends on another element, also constructive. That is the "fix up" part of the program. Folks don't paint up a place until it is in good repair. Therefore, when you help to organize and prom'ote the paint up movement, you are developing the desire for repair and fix up, which creates the demand for lumber.
Much has been said about the necessity for forest conservation. It is true that sttch a program is greatly to be desired. But it is also a fdct, probably not considered, that more money is wasted in the dam.age and deterioration of property through lack of paint and repair than is generally ieafited. Painting is looked upon as an expense when it really is insurance against otherwise certain loss.
fn- order to stimulate a desire to improve and beautify and preserve homes and buildings and premises, the power of the community sentiment must be enlisted, and this can best be done through the Clean Up and Paint Up campaign. It is to the interest of the lumber dealer to' be imong the forem,ost in conducting the campaign.
The campaign must arouse the civic pride of the com-
We'tte Got It
We have a paint proposition.to live lumber deders, who desire to handle paints of quality and backed by service.
Our materials aremade forpeople who know what good paint will do to improve the acceptability of their lunrber.
munity and its inhabitants, and a seuse of neighborhood duty in the minds of otherwise thoughtless and negligent citizens. This idea has resttlted in better homes and better communities all over tthe United States.
A clean Up and Paint Up Campaign is an organized, continuous community work for constructive and permanent results-work that can hardly get started in any six days, and rvork that embiaces many important things besides the street and alley scavenging that generally is .the only thing undertaken in the ordinary "clean up week'".
A real -Cl.".t Up and Paint Up Campaign enlists the whole community,hen, women and children, in the-locally organized cat-t-tpiigtt, ancl in the well-thought-out plans of thE community's -civic leaders to unite all interests and organizationt into one big active force to "make the home toivn.a better place to live in," and to do business in; to make the City Beautiful, and sanitary and safe-and to keep it so.