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Phone: Sutter 1801
1223 Marsh-Strong Btdg. LOS ANGELES
Phone: Pico 3332
We Furnish Tonnage
Rates Quoted at Either Office
May we be favored with tbe opportunity to rerve you and subetantiate our claim of prompt cervice and quality?
Pine Folks Reject "Bull" as Name for Wood
The California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, has appealed to the United States F'orest Service to assign the name "western soft pine" to the woocl of the tree, Pinus ponderosa, lvhich is given the common name of "bull pine" in the last publishecl check list of the Forest Service. This check list has come to be pretty generally accepted as the list oi authoritative names of the commercial species of trees in the United States; hence its importance to.lumbermen.
The petition of the California Association not only gives the Forest Service a knotty problem to solve satisfactorily, but brings out the difficulties of one'phase of the huge standardization effort now proceeding in the lumber trade, namely, the adoption of significant Inames for different species of lumber
The California lumbermen clo not like to have their botanically yellow' pine called "vellolv pine" comrnercially, because the lumber is often very white in color and be- cause its other aualities also differentiate it from the familiar southern yellow pine. The California people are especially aggrievecl because the list gives Pinus ponderosa the comimon name of "bull pine" and does not mention "California white pine" at all. The designation "bull pine" nray have been satisfactory in other clays, but the California Associatior.r does not "peddle bull" in the lumber or any other forr.r.r. As for sugai pine, the Association is im. mensely proud of its whiteness botanically and physically, but at the same tir-ne it has used this common name so long that it has come to have a distinctive trade value, as meaning a white pine of unique attributes. lfowever, it is only the question of proper designation for California white pine that is now before the Forest Service. 'fhe Association desires to have the name "bull pine" abolished altogether, whether as the common nam,e or under the list.of names in use, and to substitute therefor "western soft pine" as the common name, with California white pine ancl "western pine" ,given as names in use; the former applying in the California White & Sugar Pine Association territory of California, southern Oregon and western Nevacla; and the latter applying in Western Pine Association territory, namely, Oregon, western Montana, etc.