1 minute read
Whole Valley Is Proud of Sacramento Lumber Co.'s Modern Plant
Here is a iate picture of the plant of the Sacramento Lumber company at Sacramento, of which Fred E. Conner is the president and general manager and {or which his wife, A. M. C'onner, is the advertising director, dnd originates many of the clever merchandising ideas successfully used by this enterprising firm.
Yes, the word "plant" is the only word that will properly describe this institution, for it is more than a mere lutnber yard or even a lumber store; it embraces all that is comprehended by these expressive terms, and more.
The plant, as the picture discloses, includes yards, st.orage facilities, wareh'ouse, planing mill, office, store and service features. ft covers 5.7 acres at l2th and B streets in Sacramento and is recognized as one of the rnrost modern and best "hooked up" retail and jobbing enterprises in the entire country. In addition to a complete line of retail lumber and its product the company handles building material of all kinds.
The two trees shown in the picture are Port Orford cedar and now are 25 ieet or more in height. They were sent to the company as seedlings from Marshfield, Oregon about seven years ago and have thrived wonderfully well in the Central California soil and climate.
The two little houses on the front lawn are modern, up- to-date homes built true to scale. They are electrically lighted evenings and are a great drawing card in the way of constructive publicity. Through such effective methods the Sacramento Lumber company has developed an institution of which not only its owners and employes are justly proud but in which the people of the entire community p'oint out as one of the distinct attractions of their city.