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Random Items-Mill Run
California Plant Now Manufacturing Pencil Slats From Native Juniper
Pencil slats, from which a great proportion of the lead pencils in the United States are made, now are bein,g produced successfully and in growing quantities at a plant recent established at Alturas in Modoc county, from native juniper trees.
Over 5C0 cords of juniper has been cut and hauled to this plant and is now in process of manttfacture into pencils to make up a portion of the billion pencils which it is estimated are annually manufactured from Arnerican woods.
The juniper logs are hauled to Alturas, some ten or twelve miles, by motor trucks. There they are first cut into sections 8 inches long, from lvhich blocks two and five-eighths inches squate are made. These blocks are then cut into slats of pencil length and thickness. The slats are shipped to the large pencil fact,ories on the Atlantic Coast.
P. C. Stevens, one of the high-powered luminaries in the organization of the Charles K. Spaulding Logging Company at Portland, gave himself a treat by coming to California for the holiday. He visited his father in Los Angeles and also spent some time at the company's office in San Francisco which is presided over by James L. Hall. Mr. Stevens says that the trvo Spaulding mills in Ore,gon have been ,having an abundance of good business all Fall and Winter and he looks for a continuation of that happy state of affairs through the present year.
New Yard At Lamanda Park
The Lamanda Park Lumbei Company has commenced operations at the corner of Daisy ancl Walnut streets in Lamanda Park. The yar<l is convenient to the Santa Fe tracks. A small planing mill plant also will be operated in connection.
Mill Cuts Both Redwood And Pine
John Buckley has just completed construction of a small saw mill near Blue Lake in Humboldt county and already is cutting redwood and pine lumber f;om a convenient tract of timber rvhich he has 'acquired. Most of his cut was redwood, however. The mill has a capacity of 20,000 feet a day and is equipped with circular saws.
We Manufacture and S€Il SPLIT SHAKES
Northwestern And Ohio Retailers To Visit California In February
Members of the Northwestern Retail Lum,bermen's Association, embracing the territory of which Minneapolis is the commercial cenler, will join with members of the Ohio association on a trip to the Pacific C'oast in the early part of February. The Ohioans previously had arranged for the trip themselves but latest plans call for a joint tour of the trvo organizations. They will leave Minneapolis January 28 and will visit Oregon, Washingt'on and British Columbia before con.ring to California.
Tentative provisions call for side trips to Eureka and Yosemite park besides the regular stops in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
E,ffective January l, the name of the Snead-Rose Lumber Company \ryas changed to Junius C' Snead Company, Charles Rose retiring from the business.
Mr. Snead r,vill continue to act as representative of the San Vicente Lumber Co. of Santa Cruz and will also conduct a general wholesale lumber business. He expects to extend his wholesale operations and after the first of February plans to put on one or two traveling representatives to cover the Valley and Coast districts.
Mr. Snead is well known among the lumber trade of California and for many years has represented the San Vicente I-un.rber Co. in the Bay territory.
FTER thirty-five years tesf in the fi"ry crucible of time, Pioneer Products have found Fame and Place in the busy marts of trade.
Men who know'have built the reputation of PIONEER PRODUCTS on a splendid foundation of PROVEN RESULTS, they have achieved a recognized standard in an age of exacting specialization.