2 minute read
San Diego Lumbermen Entertained by John C. Barger at Ramona
San Diego lum.bermen and members of their families 'were_guests a few weeks ago of John C. Barger, owner of the Ramona Lumber Company and president of the Rarnona Chamber of Commerce, at a banquet and entertainment at Kenilworth Inn, one of the delightful resorts in the extrem,e southwestern corner of the state.
The party, numbering m,ore th,an 100 persons, motored out from San D_iego and made an inspection trip of the country around Lake Henshaw before winding up at the hotel for dinner. Meanwhile an informal re-eptlon was held before a cheering fire at the Wom,an's club house in Ramona.
The dinner was all that a party of excursionists could wish for; the otherwise close attention to the m,eal was plea.santly interru_pted _oc_ca slonally by community sin gin g, Ied by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sullivan.
G. F. Hoff, secretary ,of the San Diego Material Men's Association, and,one of the gifted speafters of the Southland, was toastmaster at the informal meetin,g that followed. Mr. Barger spoke a few happy words of welcome. Among those who replied were A. G. Larrick of the Barr Lumber_Company of Santa Ana, a special guest of the party; Fred Hamilton of the Benson LumbEr Comioanv of San Diego, and L. B. Hanna, former governor of l.forth Dakota, now interested in various San Diego lum,ber enterprises.
Mr. Hofi as well as Mr. Larrick and Mr. Hamilton took occasion to point out the wholesome social relationships d.eveloped among_the lumbermen and their families through the influence of Hoo-Hoo. -San Diego is one of the stron"g- est Hoo-Hoo districts in- the country, practically 100 pEr cent of the lumbermen there being rirembers of ih" ord^.r. And it is notable that there is a closer bond of friendship and personal good fellowship among the lumbermen theri than in most communities.
Before starting -op thp return trip to San Diego the v.rsitors presented Mrs. Barger with a huge box of ionfectionery.
Those members of the party who registered their at_ tendance at the fnn -werer q. F. Hoff, Eva L. Hoff, J. C. B-argar, Mrr. J. C. Bargar, Margaret Barger, Edwari E. Mc9_ormick,. Florence C. S-trllivan, H. L. Sufivan, Georgette P. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hudnen, A. S. kerfoot, Ruth V. Kerfoot, V?ty f. Jolins, A,ugusi F. Lusardi, Mrs. A. F. Lus,ardir Jeff L. Crandall, -W. l. Glasson, Drusilla Glasson, William lameson, Mrs. William yameson, Je.ssie Burwell, qt,"y_d R. Herbent, Knute. Rind, -Mrs. K. Bild., Mrs. F. C. Hamilton, Mary Jane i{amifton, Fred C. Hamilton, L. B. Hanna (Fargo- tt. O.), W. J. McDer- mott, Mrs. W. J. McDermott, A. A. Fiost, Mrs. A. A. Frost, Mr. and Mrs._J. W. Herbert, Mrs. phillip Barker, P_hillip M. Barker, I{rs, H. H. Miller, Mrs. H. ff. Ultt.r, !Irs. J. J. Miller, J. J. Oliver, Frank O. Benz, Mrs. Ftank O. Benz, Arthur A. Jen_sen, H1try S. Clark,'Mrs. Harry S.. .Cl11t<,J. H. Bjom;stag,_Urr. J. iI; Bjonstad, A. G. Lai_ rick, N. E. Lentz, Frank Knowles, T. H. tleaitr