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Tennant Is Sole Head L. A. District Club
At a special meeting of the Los Angeles District Lumbermen's Club in the City Club dining rooms on Thursday evening, January 4, at which all but four of the active members were present, it rvas unanimously d,ecided to place sole executive management of the club-in the hands of E. D. Tenant, who had been secretary.of the organization during the preliminary stages of getting together through the prepious two or three months.
The temporary officers and board of directors withdrew from oftice leaving IVII. Tennant in complete charge of af- fairs. Permanent offices were established at 355 pacific Electric building.
added to cost. .. 51. 44. 40. 19. 54. 45. 40.
From the last row of figures above you can see that for our firm to make 1O/o net we have to add about 45ok year in and year out instead ol only 40%. Only in abnormally good years can 4O/o only be added to mrake a net profit of lO%. The day is passed when the lumber merchant can say rvith scorn. "The furni'ture dealer, the department store, etc. have to m,ark up their goods 5O and 6AVo even TWV, in some cases, but I can mark up my lumber 25q" and make lots of money." It can't now be done. Our modern merchandising with advertising and well paid salesmen, with everything delivered and inefficiency of the labor of today, we are up agains't m,aking a larger mark-up or doing business for fun. Just how jovial do you feel?
All members attending the session were very enthusias- tic over -the progress the club has made during the brief course of its existence. Adequate arrangements were made to finance. the organization through thi errtire year 1923, thus insuring the further steady progress of the club and gubranteeing effective development of pl.ans to secure more mcmbers.
One of the immediate steps to be undertaken is inaugu- ration of a uniform cost accou.nting systern, for all yaids embraced in the organization; at this particular meetine Sam T. Hayward, of the Hayward Lumber & InvestmenT Company, presented a very interesting report on cost accounting based on experiences in his yards.
OUR BUSINESS is to handle your orders understandingly and careiully and to furnish that for-which you pay.