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Building and Shipping Records for South Are Broken in 1922
The marvelous develoDment of Southern California and consequent tremendous d-enrand for lumber cluring the year j.ust closed are well reflected in the proverbial nutshell recently sent to ,all mernbers of the Los Angeles Lumber Exchange by Henry Riddiford, the secretary of that organization. Ilere is his summary ,of the situation:
The year 1922 was a record one for inbound waterborne coastrv,ise movement of forest products, a total 1075 Fir cargoes were reported, the capacity of the boats running to 1,259,0O5,000 feet, also 322 Redwood cargoes, boat capacity 201,575,WO feet, a total of 1,397 cargoes and 7,460,580,000 feet.
These figures will approximate entire Southern California receipts for the year as many brtats entered at Los Angeles also discharged part ca,rgoes at other ports from Santa Barbara to San Diego inclusive. Exact figures f,or this Harbor will not be availaltle for sorne time. It is safe to say that the equivalent of 1,000,000,@0 board feet at least will have passed through Los Angeles Harbor alone durinq 1922 and 100,000,000 feet each through Redondo and San Diego.
The building permits in Los Angeles for the year totaled $12I,206,787-65 per cent of this was for "all frame" construction. Permits were issued lor 18,197 dwellings in which flats and apartments are not included.
All together housing accommodations were provided for 28,033 fam.ilies. At the census calculations of 4r/z persons to the family, this acoounts for ll2,2l3 people.
Placing the population as high as 800,000 Los Angeles spent over $15 per capita for buildingr ?r amount uneqtralled by any other city in the United States. In l92l New York City only spent $7.90 per capita.
'Ihe outlook for the new year is very promising. The building inspector states he has over $8,m0,000 worth of plans in his office to check and that $50,000,000 worth more are in sigh,t.
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