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Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumberrnen are Doing.
Ben Reed, Secretary of the Lumber Association of San Francisco, was the guest of honor at a dinner at the Cliff House on December D that was attended bv about twentv of his friends. Richard C. Jones, of the Van-Arsdale-Hairis Lumber Co., was toast-master and master of cerem'onies. Harry S. Th,omson, in behalf o,f the crowd, presented Mr. Reed with a handsome cock-tail shaker, twenty cups, and a silver platter.
Mr. Reed r,esponcled in his usual graceful manner and expressed his appreciation at being the recipient of such a wonderful gift.
Lumbermen in Marysville and vicinity report extensive plans for important improvement projects in the north central part of the state this year. Projects already outiil:9 "19 under way in Yuba and Sutter counties aggregate $2,0m,000 in value, according to estimates. Uany puUic buildings as well as private homes are provided in ihi program.
Albuquerque Sash And Door Man Here
_ J. C. Stutz, superintendent of the Whitmer-Jackson Company, important sash and door manufacturerj of A1buquerque, N. M., was a recent visitor in California on his way home from Tacoma and other points in th,e Northwest wheie he passed the holid,ays. -He stopped at both San Francisco and Los Angeles and in the latter city conferred with Mark Lillard who handles the Whitmei-Iackson line. Mr. Stutz reports that his company is buiiding extensive improvements and additions to the plant at Al-buquerque and that the prospects for a big volume of business in 1923 are very promising.
Fred Parks Of Seattle Looks Things Over
Among the recent visitors to California from the North was Fred Parks of Parks & Lawton, one of the progressive wholesale lum;ber concerns of Seattle. Mr. Paiks'-rnother is passing the Winter in Los Angeles ,and he lound delight in spending the holidays with her. He also took time to call on many of his lumber friends and learned what becomes of all the lumber they ship down here fr.om Washington and Oregon.
Sacramento Valley Meeting Uanuary 27
The committee of wholesalers who have been looking after the arrang'ements for the next meeting of the Sacra-mento \ralley Lumbermen's Club which was scheduled t,o be held on January 20, announce that the date has been changed to Janaary 27. As some of their ,members cont_emplate attending the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club meeting at Fresno on January 20, it was deemed ad.visable to hold the Sacramento Valley meeting on the later date.
The Union Pacific has published a rate of 60 cents on box shook from the Spokane district to Las Vegas, N. M., and points west to and including Whittier and East San Pedro in California.
National Builders Bureau Hoijds Gathering Of Representatives In Spokane
L. P. Buckley, California manager for the National Builders Bureau of Spokane has returned fromi Spokane where he attended the convention of all the branch managers and traveling. representatives of that organization.
The National Builders Bureau was formed about 12 years ago by A. L. Porter, who is well known in Californja as secretary of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association and now furnishes plan service and building ideas to retail lumber dealers in various parts of the country. Mr. Porter is president and active head of the organization, while Frank Beckman, who joined the bureau thiee or four years ago is the secretary and active manager.
George Weir of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., accompanied by C. B. Johnson, Superintendent of the company's plant at Bay P'oint, spent several d,ays ,around the first of .the month on a pleasure tr.ip to Westwood.
William Talbot, San Francisco salesman lor William Smith & Co., is confined to his home with an attack of inflaenza. He is reported to be getting along nicely and is expected to resume his work again about the middle of the month.