1 minute read
Have Brains a Market Value?
Have you ever tested the value of your brains as a MARKETABLE asset? Has it ever occurred to you that you MIGHT be able to turn gray matter into DOLLARS?
It's easy enough to ·sell lumber, or anything else, for that matter, especially when there is a big demand for it. That doesn't require much brains.
But brains are needed in the lumber business, as in every other line. The trouble is that while there is a plentiful supply on hand, they aren't put to use in sufficient quantity.
There are too many dealers who depend alone and entirely on their stock of merchandise. Beyond that their vision .grows dim. They do not seem to grasp the fact that inside their craniums is an inexhaustible suoolv of teri fit.
trolled by the law of supply and demand. The value of your brain products rests entirely with you.
Keep your yard well stocked with lumber but don't overlook the SELLING MATERIAL in the back of you!· head.
v • 5a.u>Lc1L1Ull JS represented 111 Los Angeles by the Earl Hoffman Co mpany and enjoys an extensive business in the southern part of the state.
The mills of the Northwest have had a good year's business, says Mr. Ives, but the rail trade to the East and Middle West has not been near as active or as persistent as the California market. While in Los Angeles Mr. Ives also visited his sister, Mrs. Masters, wife of Paul Masters , southern California representative of the Nettleton Lumber Co. of Seattle.