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Adve ftisers In This ueIss
How Lumber Looks
The looked for rurh of ordera, ttat war predictd for rigbt aftcr Neru Yea/r Dan did not arive in ruch, !6eat force at war looked for, but the buying war more brbk right rftcr the 6nt, and a general tight€ning war lsen for a fw daye. Some of the larger retailerr cannc into t{re market wilh ronre good rized order, rnainly for randomr. Thc unrold rtockr are pretty well cleaned up.
, About thc tenth, there ge€med to be a elight indication of a weakening in the rcuthern part of the ctite. Random Eltr were not being enapped up ar freely ar for the weeli parg and about fifty centr per thourand wotrld be righd figurer on the drop at that time.
- -The^ rtrong fiSure in the market right now ir dmoet eny- thgg q uppen$ and particularly elarh grain rtockr. T[e railrodr are in tbe Northweet with orderr for rnany thourrndr_of can, and rome of thir ctock has not V* feel bought. lt ir underrtord tbat one oompany had rpecifica- tionr for about two thourand carr, and- if iUi. "t""f i" "tt bqght_lhb_month, we are bound to ree rome higher pricel thft will afiect f,ooring and ceiling. At thir ruritingr- eonr,i of the millr bave rerumed crrttins, after their hotiliia rhutdorm, however, the Portland rilk are reeing romd toear. weather, and very few of lhem have bcen- able to get rtarted. We undentand trhat tbe amount of ruuold rtockr at the mills is as low ar !t hqr been for rome tirne pasi.
The rhip_mentr haye dropped ofr conride,rably so far thir mg_nQ, and' from indicati<ms-tthe totdr received'for 6".ry qr{ rhoy-a ruprise. Irr the routh, at San pedro, "p t" thl plght_ of the eleventh, forty veuels had. docked. 'tir"o-bined carrying capacity *as about 4S,OOO,(X)O fJ, -and at thir.rate, Janryry r-eceipts at this port witt probabiy run around_.125r00or0oo feet. The docls are in-good "f,"pe, better than they have been for ro,nre tinrc.
- Th" hpt report from the Wert Coart Lumbermcnrs AroG ciation chovr a wcek's cut by 125 of their member mill& of 4O,(XX),{XX). Thir rhorur the efiect of the Chriltlnasiil" rhut-dowr1 the week before thege milb -arrufactrued -oii hundred and two million feet. The salea for the weck S+"d :9,9o0:90o_ feet, and rhey rhipped 6g--iiii*" r nerr unb.lled rail orders amount to 41899 carr.
_ The California Redwood Acrociation'r l""i report givcr $'e weck'r aeler as a little over 4 million f; .riBd; three and a half million. The Southern ph; A;""i;fi";t t":L. trpg* giver ealee totab for the part *eek of iixtv miluon teetr- as againrt 63,0001000 for the week before. lley manuf_actured abopt S4r000rOOO fcct, rnd rhpped rixty-two million