2 minute read
Another Good Thing About Balsam,WbolIT SELLS
rfHE past six months have demonstrated another pracI ticalieatureof BALSAM-WOOL. It sells. From the very start, dealers' stocks have been moving. Sales predictions of a year ago are facts today.
BALSAM-WOOL has already proved itself a live prop' osition for the trade. Unlike the ordinary run of new building specialties it sold from the start. Home-builders, carpenters and contractors are taking to it faster than they have to any other insulating material. If BALSAM'WOOL has proved itself profitable for the retailer in its first year, surely today it deserves the attention of every live dealer who wants to increase his volume and profits.
What Balsam-Vool Did in OneTeritory
In one middle western territory with a radius of fifty miles,46 dealers stocked BALsAM-wool. A check. up amon$st these dealers after theyhad been han' dlin8 BAIJAM-WOOL on an avera$e of three months showed that42dealers out of the 46 made sales amountin$ to about 4M ol theiroriSinal orders.Ten of these dealers had sold out their first orders entirely and were deliverinS from re' orders. One dealer delivered 8,(X)0 feet on one house remodelinSiob alone; the customer liking saLsAM -wool. so well that he pu! it on double and used it in newpartitions as a sound deadener.Anothei dealer's sales amounted to 30,0fi) feet, most of which went into remodel' ing, roof insulation and odd'time iobs.
Ot there 46 dealere only nine had ever sold or ctooked ineulation before they put iD BAISAM ' woou Coneiderint that moet ol theae deelers did not order until thc buildint eeason wac proctioally ovcr, this reoord ic very inter€stin$.
TheWood Conversion Company's offer to dealers is iust as fair and sensible as it wae a year ago. They want your first order to be a emall one. They are interested more in your sales than they are in their orders. They will show you how to sell BALSAM.WOOL and will furnish you with iested sales helps without charge.
BALSAM-WOOL will make an ideal addition to your stock. For a small inveetment you can put in a stock that will take care of any iob. BALSAM.WOOL costs little to handle and stock. Every home'builder, home-owner and farmer is a prospective customer. BALSAM'WOOL profits arc additional profits. BALSAM-WOOL does not dieplace nor does it compete with other items of yard stock. And besides, BALSAM-WOOL will make friends for you, every time you sell a roll.
Youwill find in your dealings with the Wood Conversion Company, who manufacture BALSAM'WOOL, the sams spirii of iair dealing and the same business integrity that has characterized this or$anization through sixty'five years of successfully serving the retail trade.
Sample, prices and complete information on BALSAM' WOOLmay be secured by addressing the Wgg-d Qonversion Co., Ciloquet, Minn., or through our local district rep' resentatives, or by mail addressed to our nearest branch office,
Slbley Lunber Co., Detroit, ![1ch.
Oentlernen: attentlon lir. F. ll. slbley. lhe contractors who have used Balssr! Wool all llko lt beoause 1t ls nloe clean natorlal to hanille anal i€ qulokcr to epply than other lnsulatlon naterlal on the narket. vory tnrly your8, SISIN!'AN IUIIBER. sJs/ccc.
We were lnfotr€A by the Wooil Conver8ton Co. tbat you w€re conslalellng taklng on Bal.salr Wool InFu1atlon anil tbey hay€ aiketl us to alrop you a 1lne glvlng our elpertoDo€ slnoo hanalllng thts rnaterlal.
We neke lt e practlce never to illnrlge the voluro of our salea to anyoner but can aaaur€ you lt hae b€eD e wlDne!. We have been succee8ful ln getting tbls partloular naterlal speclfl€d ln nany Job6. anii at the prescnt ere A6llvsrlng 40,000 feet on one Job.whloh la a oonaoryq,tory ot nuelo. 0f oourse the prfiaary u66 1n thl6 partloular ,6b 18 for deadenlng. Iie8t as8ured we net the f1€14 and wou out.
!!o!0 the d€alel8 polnt of view it oan be naile a gooal noney rnaker ag the rnrgln 1s what se oall l1bera1 antt a oarload oan be unloaded ln a Jlffy. Our Dethoa of etorlag may not eraotly flt your 1ay out but we $111 it€ectlbe 1t nevertheless. Salsan Wool le very llght eo ne havs bul1t oeveral deoklngs 8 ft. hlgh over h18b blns for thls Eaterlal, lrntt below we Btot6 the heavy aaphalt th1n81€8.
Any speclflo questlons you.tnay weat to ast, ta will i)i frsnk ln anarering.