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January 15, 192,4 a member of the San Francisco Board of Education, was appointed chairman of the first meeting in January. The seCond January meeting will be in charge of Milton Hendrickson and A. M. S. Pierce.
Secretary John C. McCabe read a letter from the Twin City Hoo-iloo Club, rvhich extended the greetings of the sealon. Bob Gehring and C. J. Carroll, at the piano and banjo firrnished some excellent music during the meeting, and'Mr. Carroll, accompanied by Mr. Gehring, sang several popular songs. The meeting'\\'as largely attended.
Thc Season brings but thc opportunity for me to exprcss the thoughts which have made mc rejoice throughout the year.
The krowlcdge. that in our mutual devotion to our cause tpe havc welded stronger the bond, of friendship which is ours. And let me rish for you this Christmas that great joy come to you and yours and that the New Year bring you Health, Happiness and PlentY.
Fresno District To Hold Concatenation In January
Mr. H. E. Verble, Snark of the, Fresno District, advises that they will hold a large Concatenation on the 19th of January.
This is the date of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermens Club meeting, and they will make a joint affair, by holding the Hoo-Hoo meeting in the evening. This district also plan to Concat some time in May. the date to be announced later.