3 minute read
E. I). Tennant,Re-Elected Head of Los Angeles District Lu rrnents
The first annual meeting of the Los Angeles District Lumbermens' Club was held on Thursday evening, January 3rd, commencing rvith dinner at 6:30.
Report of Secretary-Manager, E. D. Tennant, showed the Club to be in a most flourishing condition with an increase of almost double the membership, representing over 60 retail yards in the Los Angeles District. During the year the Organization has been able to steadily develop increasing strength and influence.
During the year regular weekly meetings have been held with an averag'e attendance around 70 per cent of the members having been present. These meetings have ahvays commenced with a get-together dinner, which enabled the Members to become thoroughly acquainted and provided the opportunity of exchanging ideas and information of real value to the entirt membership.
After hearing the Secretar,v's report and the remarks of a large number of those present, in which they testified to the great benefit the Club had been to them both from a personal and business point oi view', a resolution was unanimously passed whereby thi Organization as now constituted will be maintained, the present Secretary:lvhnager re-elected, and a vote of thanks given Secretary Tennant for his valuable services during the year:
The work. of the Club during the year has proven beyond a question of doubt the value and necessity of closer acquaintanceship and co-operation b6tween retail dealers.in the Los Angeles District, artd as;a result the Club enters tlre netv year with every assurance of not only making a successful record during 1924, but of still further establishing itself as a strong constructive factor in building up the retail lumber business of the Los Angeles District, so that those engaged in it, can render the utmost in real merchandising service to the building public.
"ACORN" BRAND OAK FLOORING L carr to identify becaure it ir TRADE MARKED oD etcry bundle. It ir tmifotn in rnading, dimcnrionr, end nilling. Sold and guaruntccd by relleblc drlhrr everywhere.
Allen Turner to Represent Gerlinger Lumber Company
Starting January 1, Allan Turner, for the past two years representative of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley territories, will act as the California representative of the Gerlinger Lumber Company, of Portland, Oregon. He has opened offices in the Lumbermen's Building, 110 Market Street, San Francisco.
Allan Turner is one of the best known and one of the best inforrned lumbermen on the Pacific Coast and has been connected with the lumber industry for the past eighteen years. Before coming to California, he was located in the northwest, rvhere he was affiliated with some of the largest mills in that section. While in the Northwest, he served three years as sales manager of the Clear Lake Lumber Co., Clear Lake, Washington; he acted as sales manager for three years for the Buehner Mills and Timber Co., with headquarters in Portland', Oregon; and also was assistant sales manager of the Grays Harbor Commercial Co., of Cosmopolis, Washington, for several years. He also spent several years selling lumber in the eastern markets.
IIis new' connection, the Gerlingcr Lumber Compahy, of Portland, Oregon, is well known to the California trade and have been large California shippers for tnany years. The Gerlinger Lumber Co, ire assopiated rnanufacturers and wholesalers, and they also have'connectiorlsi with several of the large mills of the Northwest wheteby they act as distributors for a portion of their production.
In order that his many lumbermen friends in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley territories won't be deceived, Allan wishes to advise that the above photograph was taken during the cold weather.
Bates Smith Gets Off to Good Start
Established in comfortable and attractively furnished offices in the A. G. Bartlett Building, at Seventh and Spring Streets, Los Angeles, the newly formed A. W. Smith Lumber Cornpany, opened for business on January 2nd.
This company, headed by Mr. A. W. (Bates) Smith. formerly of tbe Los Angeles firm of Hooper & Srnith, will handle exclusively in Southern California and Arizona, the output of the Northwestern Redwood Conpany.
They will also.handle a general line of fir, both cargo and rail shipments, and will be able to quote on California Pine and Fir.
They have adopted a snappy slogan for the cornpany, "Wholesalers of Pacific Coast Woods."