1 minute read
The BRfNlNST00t Co.
9O8 S. Main St.
Tclcphonc t71-911 lc an organization wit'h: the Facilities; the Stock; and'the Spirit; to render a sel\rice on our productr ttat ir fart bringing ur in a clasr among the leederr.
Berider our enormour Sarh and Door burrnerr we are jobbcre'for the famour'
Beats-all Leather Mats ond
M cDougall Kitchen Cabinets
0tficec 2924-2026 Bay Strcet New
Advcrtiring thc Spccbftio
As Done by the erarldcn Crrove Lumbcr C.o.
We have in stock a Dandy Medicine Cabinet for $7.50. This has a large Plate Glass Mlrror Door. Adjustable shelves, nickle plated hinges and Latch.
It is very finely finished, will either hang on your wall or set in the wall.
All kinde and all prices of Rubber Roo6ng.
A good Ironing Board, strongly made, a wide and narrorv sleeve. board in it, for $7.00. We have them here and invite you to call and see them.
Doors, \Vindowe and Screen Doors always in stock.