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hit by no train. I jus have leetle fight wid dat fl'Irishman, Mack-carty."

"Oh, you did," said the friend; "well, who got licked?"

"Oh," said the Frenchman in apparent unconcern, "I don know jus who got lick."

"Is your nose broke?" asked the friend.

"Sure," said the Fretrchman, "but dat's noting for me, I'm a tough guy, you know."

"And your teeth," said the friend, "have you lost them?"

"Some of dem is gone, but dey were loose anyway; G['s noting for me. I'm a tough Frenchriran."

"Hciw about your jaw? Is that broke too?"

"Na!v," said the Frenchman; "it's jus cracked. It'll be all right soon. I don care for dat. f'm a bad man, you know.t'

"Now here," said the friend, "tell me the truth about this. You talk like nothing happened, but who got licked, you or this Irishman McCarthy?"

"Well," said the Frenchman, very confidentially, ,,I'll tell you de fsqf'-[ can't tell for sure jus who got lick, BECAUSE WHEN I WAKE UP MACK-CARTY'S GONE !''

Solving Your Problem

We sell anything in softwoods that the California dealer desires.

White Pine, Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Poste, Ties and Stakes.

aar connections arc the best, atd ue gioe the best possible seroice.

Home Interiors of Hardwood

By E. B. Vockel, of White Brotherg

The present style of finishing home interiors, requiring as a general thing very little lvoodwork, is an open invitation to the brrilder to display his originality in that clirection. The opportunity to use genuine hardrvoocl for this trim is not to be overlooked when it can be clone for so little extra cost.

The wood'rvork of a room consisting ordinarill' of a small base, door and rvindow casings and picture mouldings, requires only about one or two hundred feet of luml>er. The cost of milling the hardrvood is about trvice that of pine. The amount of harclwood itself required is so imall that there rvill not have to be any hesitation on that score.

Where built-in features are added.-book cases. sideboards. mantels, etc., in keeping .ivith the trirn of the room, they are of course far more practical when made of hardwood, 'ivl-rich is durable as .rvell as beairtiful. This in realitl' means to the owner genuine hardwoocl fnrniture installe<l in the home at an exceedingly moderate cost.

The first thought connected u'ith hardrvood, that of high value, is correct; it is quite trrre that the touch of hardwood trim adds clistinction and value to a home for years to come; holever, with the style of trim nou' in'vogue it is possible to obtain this high value at compartivelv moderate cost. The simple lines of the most moclest bungalorv can show the enduring beauty of hard'rvood as well as the larger roolns of the pretentious mansion.

The rvoods appropriate for home trim run all the way from the ever popular u'alnut, mahoganv, quarter sarved and plain oaks. and the soft tans of Southern Gum, to the ne\ver lr,oods such as Ha'rvaiian Koa. Philippine Mahogany ancl Jenisero.

The vista through beautiful rooms finished in hardwood trim is the utmost in home interiors.

Joins S. C. Hooper

Mr. Clayton Cochrane, rvho has been rvith the Weyerhaeuser interests in the Snoqrtalmie Falls Lumber Company in Washington, has joined the sales force of the S. C. Hooper Lunrber Company.

Mr. Cochranels experience in lumber is a broacl one and he is rvel! equippecl to meet the neecls of the Sorrthern California tracle.






?5i$-?SI Firrt National Bank Bldg. San Francirco - - Lor AngCor

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