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Canadian Lu,mber Statistics
The following figures from an authoritive sorlrce on the lumber industry of Canada. are interesting:
Lumbermen Report Excellent Progress On Berkeley Petition
R. F. Hammatt. secretarv of the California Redwood Association and in charge of ihe initiative petition requesting the adoption of the new roofing ordinance in the city of Berkeley, states that the fourteen verification deputies who are circulating the petition in Berkeley have already secured over 3500 signatures, and that he hopes to receive at least 4500 signatures before the petition is presented to the City Council. 19,14 signatures are necessary to bring the matter before the City Council. Mr. Hammatt reports that approximately 90 per cent of the voters of Berketrey, who have been approached to-date, have signed the petition.
The initiative petition for the new ordinance will be filed during the later part of January. The City Council has twenty days in which to adopt the new ordinance.' If the Council fails to adopt the nerl' ordinance within the time required by the law, they will have to set a date for a special election within 25 days after the date of filing.
The source of these figures gave them as a means of showing the rapid destruction of the Canadian forests. It would seemi howe'r'er, that the production of lumber. ancl other commercial rvood products is just 7,000,000,000 feet, or less than one-third of the annual destruction, and only a little more than half of the destruction by fire bnd insects.
La Verne Lumberman Retires
Mr, S. A. Overholtzer, for many years manager and part o\\'ner of the I-a Verne Lumber Company, at La Verne. has sold his interests in the company.
Mr. R. J. Dahlem, formerly connected rvith the Charter Oak Fruit Association. succeeds Mr. Overholtzer.
Catholic school 'erected in 18/0 noat being dismantled for its sound Rcdanood l*mber.
Howard Curran Returns From Honeymoon
Mr. Howard Curran, of the Wilfred T. Cooper Lumber Cbmpany, Los Angeles, was married at Rutherford, on December 3lst, to Miss Elizabeth Doak, of that city.
The happy couple spent their honeymoon on a motor trip for ten days through the northern part of the state. and returned to l-,os Angeles last week, where they will make their home.
Mr. Curran is the son of Mr. Frank Curran, general manag'er for the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, at Los Angeles.
A compilation of lumber and building figures at Los Angeles, for the year 1923, reveals.some interesting and record breaking figures.
During 1923 l7X) cargoes rvere reportecl at San Pedro.
Their capacity, inclucling both fir and redrvood rvas: 2,122,885,0N feet.
Fourteen hundred and eighteen of them carriecl fir, the balance redlvood,
In the year 1903, 2tl3 cargoes arrived at this port.
In twenty years, the gain rvas 1507 boats, about 4l per day, for the year.
In 1903, thirty million feet came into San Pedro, compared rvith over TWO BILLION FEET tor 1923.
The December arrivals carried 153,300,000 feet of fir and redwood, in 12I boats.
'Ihe 1923 building permits in Los Angeles called for 24,362 drvellings, o,*er 6fi/o of rvhich rvere all frame construction.
Hart Wood Executive Visits Los Angeles
Mt. J. Fred Barg, secretary of the Hart-Wood f,umber Company, with headquarters at San Francisco, spent a ferv days last week in Los Angeles. rvith Mr. Ted Lawrence, T,os Angeles mauager for the Hart-Wood Lumber Company.
Ambitious salesq'ornan now in building field, ex-rnagazine writer, seeks opening rvhere rvriting and executive ability will be of valrte. Address : 13ox 37, care California Lumber Merchant.
The Northu'estern Redwood Company, with main offices in the Southern Pacific Building, San Francisco, has announcecl the appointment of the A' W. Smith Lumber Company, of Los Angeles as their Southern California representatives. The A. W. Smith Lumber Company wi.[l have the exclusive agency for the Northwestern, in Southl ern California and Arizona.
Mr. A. W. (Bates) Smith, formerly of the wholesale firm of Hooper & Smith, Los Angeles, is the head of the new company operating as the A. W. Smith Lumber Company. Bisides redwoo-d they handle fir and other lumber products.