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Mr. O. H. Bat.r rtarted in the lumbcr grmc working for HrllepL & Howud of Dcnvcr, Color., 33' ycarr ago. ln tirnb he rtrrtcd '5 yard of hir own rt Hertingr, Ncb' whcre hc opcrated until coniri3 lo Crlifornia in lglO buying a yard at Whitticr. h l02l hq pur' chared thc Senta Ana and Norwalk yardr of thc Griffith LumDcr Co., and norg opcratcr tLc three yardr.
Thc outrtanding fcrture of hir tuccera il hL ability to meLli end kccp friendr ind ic exemplified in hir rlogan, tlf it'r Berr'r itU of thc Bcrt", which he adoptcd whcn firrt rterting in burincrl.l Everything Mr. Barr har anything to do with or ir connected with murt be tof thc bcrt"r--quality, rervicc or cthicr.
He ir e etaunch supportcr of thc Methodirt Church, e Scottirh Ritc Maron, at pre.ent dirtrict tru.tG. of the Kiwrnir Club and, rnember of ihc board of Trurtcer of tha Norwalk Statc Horpitel, Prerident of Intcrrtatc Financc Co, and dircctor in thc Srnta Aor Bldg. & Loan Aun' baider being ectivcly iatcrcrtcd ir dozcnr of cntcrprizer, erociatione, ctc., for thc dcivclopncnt of thc commun. ity or humanity. And he ir Vicegerant Snerk of .Hoo Hoo fol Orengc County.
Hir hobby ir to incouragc naintcnence of ettrectivc HOMES surrounded by bcautiful gardenr.
Hir vice her jurt becn acquired elthough aot yet put into rffcct. Hir ermployeer mrdc hir an Xmer prcrent, of ei finc cquipncnt of colf rtickr and bag, to rhow thcir apprccirtion of hir friendly intcr Irt end 3cncrority in and to them.
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