1 minute read
SP,RUCE isaSupenor
Thc lightncr conbincd wl$ rtronfth-tto vhltG!..., the 3tniShtndl ud cvcnncer of rrrrtn and tha fmt thtt it t*ce a splcndld fintrh-all thcrc dqtlrlblc qualldcl nakc rpruce a ;upcr.lor wood lor all con3tructlon !urpoaca.
For Sashes and Doors end' about the dormWe know our dealer
Sprucc ir cpcclelly rultad to rnr*lng hlgh qu.llty .ub.., don and fc all lntrlor rrln rnd flnlrh of fln. raddenccr.
GRAHAM ISLAND STTKA SPRUCE lunbcr for the locel nrr.lpt it errurcd by our o(tanatyG A lergc and .tcrdy rupply of thc bighcit 8rada rDncc boldin3r, includh3 t saa,O0,me fct ot vlrrh tfrrblr rt Gralum lrland, B. C. Wr mrhtrln a flct of rtcl rtcrn lumber rchoncn arld conplctr tr nlllr. olulnr nlIL and dry ltllnr at Lor Ang-cr Hrtor.
Prices and details on reouest.