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Retail Firm Issues Lumber-Built Furniture Book
Wnr. Catnerorr & Company, of Waco, 'l'exas. leaclers in progressive rnerchandising ideas fcll retail lurnbernren, has just done a lvonderful nerv thing in horne merchandising.
They have issued their ou'n plarr book of fnrnitnre for homes, built of lurnber and milhvork, ar.rcl sold as cornpletecl jobs at ever-y one of Cameron's sixtr'-otl<l lurnber stores irr Texas and Louisiana.
The book is 32 pages ancl cover. It is printe<l rin r.errheavy book paper, and illustraterl'throughout. In fact. it is almost entirelt' a book of illustrations. The outside front cover shorvs a ltreakfast nook u'hich they sell, courposed of tn'o attractive benches ancl table. Arnong the' furniture.they oiTer and illustrate in this book are incluclecl 'bookcases, sidelroards, buffets, n'ardrobes. linen closets, chest of drarvers, phone tables, r,r'aste llaskets, kitchen cabirrets and tables, broom cabinets, iron-board cabinets. rnedi, cine cabinets, rnirror cloors, French <loors, screen cloors, flower boxes, cedar lined closets, ltergolas, floors. etc. These are sholvn separatelv. and also in interior honrc scenes, showing their use.
Ever.v Cameron store furniture.
going to push this
Il. P. Hunter, (ieneral Manager oi
Canreron &
Companv. belieres that there is more m()ney for the pr-ogressive retailer in selling other things than "just lumber" than there is in the lumber department, and he has proven it to the complete satisfaction of his finn for many vears.
The absolutely excessive price of furniture of quality in the furnitrrre stores today, is one of the things that has started this home furniture drive. As Mr. Hunter lluts it, any millwork finn can make furniture to special order. an<l ship it local freight, and far rrndersell the local furnitrrre man at today's furniture prices. and since the line of things they are now offering easily compare in attractiveness zrn<l usefulness rvith what the furniture men offer, it simplr. rneans another service as rvell as a saving to the local trade.
OAKL,'\ND, Jan. 3.-Building records {or Alameda county rvere smashed last year rvith an estimated total o{ $40,000,000 spent in construction. according to a survey annorrnced toclal' b1- Fl. W. Shau,. secretarv of the C)akland Brrilders' exchange.
Oakland leads Alameda county cities .rvith an estimatecl total of $27,000,000. Other cities in the county were: Berkelev, $6,500,000; Piedmont, 91,500,0@; Alameda, 91,000,000; Emeryville, $811,000; San Leandro, $780,000; Albany, $445,000