1 minute read
J. R. HANIFY co.
lilanuhcturers-Wholeralers Mills at Raymond, Washington-EureLa (Hun$olt County), California
24 Market Street
_L.oo Angele. Office San Francirco, Calif. portland Of6ce
522 Cenbal Buildins Telephone K;;t 3tb and
Northwertern gank- eHg.
- Douglas Fir - spruce - Redwood Membcrr California Redwood Arrociation
GALlFoRlllA wHITE^ffix and SUGAR plilES
PAUL BUNYAI{ LATH, sheathing k"#NfrA Building lumber and Finilh Factory and lath combined in one piece. A perl l*ffiffiIl?/ L;b";: -Fattern Stoclc Wide "t""r, fect bond for etucco. A- solid iob of \\ffi ;J6;T i"r arairr*"a" "nd "h"io- sheat-hiTs.One lesr item of ' "o,r" hc.o or ord-tinc runbrr t"g. - Sidii *td rvi"m"gr, material to buy. Reduces cost. dg";;['fl*^1lj5iji"*'*n"Hthfp.: G-tt ""a Sh;tr"
Produeers of Coliforniq pines,,
D. J. cahill