3 minute read
Pine Mills Break Previous Production Records in L923
C. Slouell Snith Scc'g CaI Whltcond S. Pine Asa.
F-ull statistics covering the 1923 season are not available. However, the season has progressed to the point where certain statements can safely be made with reference to prevailing conditions in the pine lumber manufacturing industry.
The year started with promise of exceptional demand. The building industry was in a prosperous condition. On January 1 all stocks were from 6/o to 10% less than at the beginning of. 1922 although Shop and Better grades were I2-L5% in excess. On the other hand orders on the books were from 70 to 150% in excess of the same date in 1922, depending upon grade. In view of these conditions plans r,vere made to produce a record volume of lumber. Spring conditions were excellent for logging, labor was plentiful and these factors together with the opening up of new operations, have resulted in the breaking of all previous oroduction recorcls. It is estimated that the total southern Oregon (Klamath and Lake Counties) will equal 1,500,000,000 feet, an increase of 18 to 20% over L922, which was the biggest previous year. In considering this increabed production, horvever, it must be kept in mind that this region !s being called upon each year to furnish a greater volume of soft pine lumber to replace the rapidly diminishing eastern forests.
An active demand lasted well intq 1923. Construction genprally slowed up in the early summer although the 1oial demand for box lumber and common grades has continued to satisfactory volume throughout the year. This has resulted in moving that portion of the cut. Further, the principal manufacturers rvere able to meet their current obligations rvithout sacrificing their better grades.
No cai shortage of consequence developed and heavy shipments have continued throughout the year.
On December I, 1923 total stocks on hand at the larger cut this year in the pine region of California and
(Continued on Page 16)
. All Yard ltems
Marsh-Strong BIdg. 879-667 Los .A,ngeles
Your inquiries .and orders will receive prompt attention f rom
Lumber Clothes
You want thc biggcet output of thc bcrt luuber you can obtrin. lVe want to rnake thc BEST outdoor clothing made. We ard ruccecding! lf you keeP a cdln' mierary, make it pouible for your mcn to obtain Filron Clother. They arc CONFIDENCE buildere.
Ordcr one inch larger than white collar measurc.
Our catalog H of Bcttor Outdoor Clother frcc for the arking.
(Contiqued.from Page 15) mills were about 24/o greater than on the same date in L922 and upper grades only aboat 32%. It is probable that the smaller mills have generally disposed of a greater proportion of their cut although accurate statistics are not available.
In analyzing this increase it is found that the movement of lumber in 1922 rvas abnormally large and this, coupled with the materially increased production in 1923 indicates a satisfactory stock condition for the beginning of.1924. Prices have naturallv followed demand.
Ben Reed Addresses Lumber Salesmen Club
At the regular Monday luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, held at the Palace Hotel, on December 10; Ben Reed, secretary of the Lumber Association of San Francisco, was the speaker of the day and gave the Club an excellent talk on I-trmber Standardization and Salesmanship. Mr. Reed stated that the lumber salesmen should familiarize themselves with the new standardization of grades, saying that this is the newest proposition that is attracting the attention of the lumbermen all over the country today. He said that the people ard going to demand Standards and that they are going to get them because the lumber manufacturers have decided on that point. He also advised the salesmen to become better acquainted with the various Building Plan Services that are norv in use throughout the state.
I\[r. Reed, who was influential in organizing the Sales-
ln All StocL Siror
OREGON PINE men's Club, congratulated the members and officers of the club on the good work they have accomplished in the two years they have been functioning, and hoped that thel' would continue to show much progress during the Nerr' Year.
Ordcrr for fictory thipncntr il rpccirl dincarionr ud conrtnrction rolicitrd.
From May to November the price of Select and Better California white pine dropped approximately $8.00; Factory plank, with the exception of No. 3 Shop dropped $21.00. Sugar pine uppers dropped about $15.00 and Factory plank, $18.m. Commons on the other hand dropped about $4.00 and Pine Box, about the same.
Summarizing the situation it appears that the pine region possesses a well rounded assortment of grades, not too iarge to be easily absorbed and at prrce levels which should result in steadv and continued demand.
Acknowledged With Thanks
The staff of "The California Lumber Merchant," acknowledges, with many thanks, the receipt of over sixty messages of Christmas cheer and New Years wishes, from California lumbermen.
Dozens of cardp and telegrams were received during Christmas week, as well as a number of gifts in the form of calendars, cigars, desk pads, gold pencils, etc.. etc.
"We rvish vou the same."