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To Decide on Association Consolidation at Next Meeting
'fhe proposed nrerger ot'the State and the Southern California Associations will be definitely decidecl at the next meeting to be held at the association headquarters at Los Angeles, on Janaary 26th,
Mr. F. L. Morgan, secretary-treasurer of the Southern California Retail lumber Dealers Association, has the following to say in his last bulletin, sent to members on December 27th.
At a meeting of our Boarcl of Directors, December 8, th-e,proposed nrerger of tl.te tnvo associations was discuss,ed in -the ligh-t of iubsequeniinformation, including resulls of .a poll of- the membe.rship. - Decision reached was that the Presiden.t appoint a-committee to draft a plan for the 'n'orking out of such merger' President nanted Messrs. Bowers, Chapman, Fox, Hofi and Lake. It was voted then that President Fickling appoint another committee of five to rreet a similar cbmmittee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Fresno, December l5th, and recommended definite action, and a joint meeting of both Boards of Directors to be called tater. The personnel of this committee was named: Bowers, Chapman, Griffen and Lake, with President Fickling himself added as ex-officio chairman, the Secretary to accompany them.
The Planning Committee outtined that:
The consolidated association have one President and one Treasurer.
That the State be divided into tu'o districts, that North of the Tehachapi to be known as the Northern District, with headquarters at San Francisco; and that South of the Tehachapi to be known as the Southern District, with headquarters at Los Angeles.
That one Vice-President and one Secretary be elected by the directors from each of these districts.
That each Secretary shall have charge of all the work irr his district.
. That present Boards of Directors continue for the current year or until next annual election of the consolidated association to act jointly.
TLat eich of present boards shall name a committee of three as an Executive Board. --ffr"i"".tt fhit all matters pertaining to the special work of each districi rttati be under- the direition of such local committee' -- fftif "it matters of common or State-wide interest be cared ioi lv both executive committees in joint session with the President of the consolidated association in the chair.
Vice-President shalt be chairman of the committee for his district.
- -ilJ ttt. present scale of dues of Southern California Retail Lumber Deilers' Association be retained for all yards h-aving an investment of $50,000 or less, and that yards having a larger investment pay $25 dues,each 6 months'-
Oih;; li;il in 'the plan are not particularlv pertinent at this tit"1, b"t the committei has sought to be -fair tq .all without sacrificino anwfhins this association has worked for and secured durrng ;i^d&; ;;;thi"s during the fourteen years of its existence. ttt" t*o c6mmittees met in Fresno December 15 and the out- the fl"e-iulmitt"a proved satisfactory to the Northern District. Some a"Lii. -i.-"irt io be completed, and it is expected that a final dc.l.ion *ilf be reached at ; joini board meeting to be called at Los Angeles for Jantary 26th' - - ii- trt. outtome ihose of vou who have doubted the wisdom of ."".o1a"tio" at this time will find att objections futly met- and all vour interests thoroughly protected. We will sacrifice nothing we il;;;;;i;;Aeuring thi p"ti t+ years, but secure added strength and effectiveness. -- P;titi,"tt open for one high grade yard manager and one young office man who understands typewriter.
If vou have not sent check -for your next 6 months' dues -please d" ;;i ;;;. - I; the event of consolidation it will be app-tied to th";;-";g;;izatiion and adjustments, -if an{, can be made later' Wishing alt a happy aud prosperous New t*1?.