4 minute read
Thc Longvicw Drily Ncwr.
The Longview Daily News, published six days each week, has a circulation. of 3,000. This circulation is constantly increasing with the rapid growth of Longview. The News is housed in a modern newspaper plant, has a large stafi, Associated Press service, and a carrrer system.
Nccd For Homcr
the trees average 250 feet in height and five feet in diameter.
Longview, Washington, situated on the Columbia River, is in the midst of this great forest region.
Building Longvicw DocLr
One of the largest projects now under way in the new city is the building of the Longview docks on the Columbia River. The sinking of the piling began September 8.
The dock, in addiiton to handling miscellaneous cargo, will serve the fir mill of the Long-Bell Lumber Company now under construction. It will have berthing space of 1,800 feet and will be the heaviest type of dock, belng designed to carry 1,0fl) pounds per square foot. The dock has shipside and inshore tracks. Lumber will be handled entirely by machinery.
There will be a minimum of 35 feet of water at the face of the dock at the lowest stage of the river. Some of the largest steamships now entering the Columbia River draw only /7 feet when loaded to capacity. It will require approximately 6,300 piling of 60 feet to ll0 feet long; 4,fi)0,000 feet hoking South on Commerce Avenue, Ilngview. of lumber; 30,000 cubic yards of rock riprap and 500,000 cubic yards of hydraulic sand to complete the dock now under construction. f200 Odd Fcllowr t
More than 1200 Odd Fellows attended the institution of Longview Lodge No. 326, L O. O. F., Decem. ber g 1Y23. Thel 'gathefingl is claimed to be the largest of its type in the history of Odd Fellowship in the Northwest. Most of the visitors were members of Washington and Oregon lodges, but nearly every state in the Union was represented.
Longvicw to Incorporatc
A petition was filed with the county commissioners of Cowlitz County December 3, 1C23, by seventy residents of Longview ask- ing that the necessary steps be taken to incorporate the city. It was set forth in the petition that alhough but 1,500 population is required to justify the incorporation of a city of the third class, several times that number re.side in the suggested corporate limits of Long- view. It is probable that by early spring Longview will be a futlfledged city, functioning and oper- ating as do all cities of its class.
There is immediate need for rnany frame dwellings, 2 and Sroom type-people on the ground ready and anxious to buy moder-
H'me of the Longview Daity News, a a lfewspaper u-ith 3,000 Paid Circulation ately priced homesIow-priced building lots, with improvements in, available for builders,
An Unexcclled Sitc for Your Mill or Fectory
Here is an independent American city where all industrial and business enterprises are welcome 'on an equal footing. Its site in the very heart of the dense Douglas fir region; on the Columbia River with its ocean-going liners; seived by three transcontinental railroads -the Northern Pacific, Union Pa- cific and Great Northern: and w-ith abundant fuel and power facilities-makes Longview an un- ixcelled tocation for lumber mills and manufacturers of logging and mill supplies.
S,IXX) Popuhtion
_ The estimated poputation of Longview on December 12 was 5,000.
Imprcrcd With Longvicw
I have been hearing so much of Longview I made a special trip here to see the new city, and, needless to say, I have been more than repaid because of the opportunity it has given me to see the greatest piece of development work ever undertaken.-B. B. Grere, vicepresident, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, in the Longview Daily News..
Gentlemen: Pleasc scnd me literaturc concerning -the new city of Longview. I am. partrcutarty i[terestcd ia itr oppor_ tunities for:
(Make a check mark in the square) lJ Manufacturiag [] Rctait
[] Wholesale [] Professional
[] Commercial
I j Income Property Invesiment
[] Home Site
[ ] Suburbaa Garden Tracts.
Redwood Manufacturers Co. New Man in Los Angeles
lfhe above is a phott-rgrapl-r oi Julius Krauss, rvhtl rvill be in charge of the lumber sales of The Reclrvoocl \fanufacttlrers Co. in Los Angeles.
Julius is a r-eteran in the lumber business, having sold reclwood since 1903. The past ten years he has been rvith The Redlvood \Ianufacturers Co. u'itl-r headclttarters itr San Jose, lle is an active lt'orker in the Hoo Hoo, ancl has been a member for seventeen years.
Mr. Krauss rvill assume his nerv position on Janttary lst.
Mr. W. J. $hittier, who has been at Pittsburg rvith the Redwood \{anufacturers Co. rvill sttcceed NIr. Krarrss in tl-re Salinas \ralle-r-.
Some Redwood Facts,
Here are some facts concerning California's redwoods that are all interesting.
The redwood (Sequoia Gigantea) is the oldest living thing on the face of the earth.
It is the largest forest tree in America.
It is found only in CaliforPia.
Year rings prove agetof some trees to four thousand years.
Year rings give accurate record of clirnatic changes during the years.
Year rings of fossilized treds furnish data clear back to middle age of the eirth's history.
The na]me Sequoia honors the Indian of the Cherokee tribe who invenied an alphabet, in 1821, for his p-eople' His tribe learned to read lnd write it, and it proved very useful commercially; in spite of its many absurditie,s'- Sequo-Yah, or George Guesi' as the white men called him, was born in an In?ian village on the present site of Tuskegee, close to old Fort London, Tennessee.
The tallest tree is 325 feet in height, and thirty-five feet in diameter.
Its trunk is bare of branches for 150 feet.
The roots of a redwood spread netlike for a great distance, but there is no taP root.
Reitwood grows at elevations of from 6,000 to 7'000 {eet'
The belt J<tends from the foot hills of the Sierras from Placer. to Tulare counties.
There are fourteen groves containing over 12,000 trees over ten feet in diameter.