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and Jack Dionne New Year
Jack Dionne, Publisher The Gulf Coast Houston, Texas.
December 3I,1923.
H"ppy New Year you bullet head son of a lumberjack. Am sitting on top of the world and as far as I am concirned there is room for you; am hoisting two to you. Ever your friend, PETER B. KYNE.
January 2,1924.
Edward F. Adams, for nine years affiliated with White Brothers, hardwood lirmber dealers of San Francisco, is now connected with Allan Turner and will act as his representative in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valley territories. Mr. Adams covered this territory for White Brothers for over three years and he is well known to the retail lumber trade in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley sections.
Mr. Adams has been working recently in the mill and sheds of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. in order that he might familiarize himself rvilh the practical side of the douglas fir business. He is an experienced lumberman and extremely well liked by the lumber trade of Northern California and his many friends are rvishing him suc.cess in his new position. IVit. Ad"-. has moved his' family to Stockton, where he will make his headquarters, and he will work the valley territory from this Point.
Peter B. Kyne, Btiarcliff Lodge, Bfiarcliff Manor, N. Y.
Shove over you wild Irishman, because Gus and myself both like that sort of seats, your Nerv Year wire brought keen recollections of our trip a year ago; heres hoping we soon have anothei with that dear silvgr tip for chaperone; I wish you an ulcerless and glandfut New Year, and likewise threaten yott with a letter soon; may your shadow never grow thicker nor vour spirit thinner; your friehd, TACK DIONNE.
Miller Box Company Offers Service To Yards
The Miller Box Manufacturing Company, headed U^y St' Milton Metzler, and controlling the Miller Lumber & tsox Coap"t y, at Los Angeles, is ofiering a milling service to tn. So"itt"rn Californ'ia trade, that should prove of great convenience.
This company is advertising that they undertake to do mill work "f "it t ittas; surfa-ing, resawing, sanding and ""y "ttt.t kinds of general milhvork, in any quantity' Carload or less. - ft .y are ofiering this service to the retail and wholesale lumber trade onlY.
are the only dry shingles you can ii bry that successfully compete and compare with green shingles. They 3I9 guaranteed 80 per cent or more Edgegrain. AII 3 inches and wider. Re-pressed before shipment.
and qbooe all qre
Jl.v help land many g competitive bitl bv their quality. Many prosperous yarda harrdle them .*"i*ir"ly. -