1 minute read

My New Year Obligation

I HEREBY RESOLVE: That during the coming year I will endeavor to learn and to utilize the limitless poasibilities o f that most wonderfrrl of all times-TODAY. . That I will cling less strenuously lhan in the past to tihe nothingness of thbse two great eternities-YEsTERDAY and TOMORROW. That I will know during this year that sufficient unto each day is the GOOD -NOT'the evil-thereof: That I will make it my life's business to crowd just as mugh optimismr just a8 much happiness, just ar much sunEhine, just as much well-done work, just ar much of the Golden Rule, just as much of that Spirit t{rat was in the Man of Galilee-into each TODAY, as my best efforts will permit. And I RESOLVE to think, and do, and woik, and journey, just ONE DAY it a time; to SMILE-LM-LAUGHand-LOVE-TOD^A,Y.


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