4 minute read
In and Out of the Yards
Heard Above the Whir of the Planer and the Roar df the Rip Saw.
Mason Kline To Attend Eastern Conventions
Mason'Kline, superintendent of the St. Ifelens Creosoting Co., of St. Helens, Oregon, is a visitor at the San Francisco office of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., where he spent several days 4ttending to business matters. He is leaving shortly for Kansas City, where he u'ill represent the St. Ifelens Creosoting Co., at the annual conventions of the National Tie Producers' Association and the American Wood Preservers' Association. Mr. Kline, on his return to the Pacific Coast, will be connected with the San Francisco office of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., and will act as the traveling representative of the St. Helens Creosoting Co. The St. Helens Creosoting Co. is a subsidiary company of Chas. R. McCormick & Co.
Alec Page Visiting In California
Alec Page, well known Portland lumberman and representative of the Tyee Rhodes Sawing Method on the Pacific Coast, is a California visitor and is at present in Los Angeles. While in the south, he will also cover other Southern California points and will get as far south as San Diego. This is his first trip to Los Angeles in ten years and he says that he is amazed at the wonderful growth of the Southern metropolis. Before he returns to his Portland headquarters, he will spend about two weeks in San Fran- cisco and the various other lumber centers of Northern California. Alec reports that the lumber industry in the Northwest is in prosperous condition and that the lumbermen of that section are looking forward for a bigylumber demand during 1924.
A certified copy of articles of incorporation bf the Merner Lumber company, transmitted from the secretary of statq, has been filed, the document setting out that the co4loration is formed for the purpose of erecting and maintaining buildings and yards and to purchase and sell lumber, building materials and property of all kinds, with its principal place of business in the city of Palo Alto, and to have a capital stock of $100,000, divided into 1000 shares of the par value of $100 each. The following are the directors named for the first year: Paul M. P. Merner, Garfield D. Merner and Delight Ward Merner, all residents of the state of California.
Bloedel Donovan Charters New Boat
The'Bloedel Donovan mills, represented in Southern California by Mr. Robert Forgie, have chartered the wooden steamer "George Olson," and will put her in service to the Los Angeles Harbor.
This company also operates the Whitney Olson.
At a recent Hoo Hoo meeting, in Los Angeles, the question.was brought up as to the feasibility of the Los Angeles lumbermen, both retail and rvholesale, getting together in a move to either lease suitable quarters, or to erect a building, that would take care of the down town offices of. all of the companies, and also provide a meeting place for the Eloo Hoo Club, and other organizations of lumber and mill men, in the southern part of the state.
After much discussion, a committee of seven was appointed by Mr. H. L. Rosenberg, and these men were asked to go into the matter fully and report at a later meeting.
The committee consists of : Curtis Williams, chairman ; David Woodhead, B. W. Bookstaver, Fred E. Golding, C. S. Estes, A. L. Hoover, and Phil B. Hart.
Tom Watts Visits Bay District
Tom Watts, of Brighton, Oregon, manager of the Brighton Mills Co., was a Bay District visitor during the holiday season. While in San Francisco, he lvas a caller at the offices of the Wendling-Nathan Company to see his old friends, M. L. Euphrat and Roy Hills, and he also called at the offices of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. to visit'with Ed. Garland.
Too Popular
"Enclosed please find check for one years subscription to the Lumber Merchant, and please send it to my house. Our office copy is so much in demand that it is almost impossible to locate it for a week after it is received."

%Chas. R. McCormick & Co., Los Angeles.
Maaufactured with thc idea of eliminating "cup. ping". "buikling," and scraprng.
By special attention to selectiotr of lumber aad careful and scieatiic sawing and seasoaing, flmring ig produccd which is practically pcr. fect, raving fully two. thirds of thc time usu- ally required for acrap. ping and saading.
AII thin f,ooring lunbcr is. sawcd to sizc while GRBEN, giving uniform moisturc coatcat. botb sides. Tbis, tocctbcr s'ith thc care ugid in seasoning, drying, aelcc- tion and grading, in. sures pcrfect floora.
Uniform Color and '|rreflue
For 18 Ycan
.CHTCKASA,W BRANIY' OAK FII)ORING ber bcco I rtendird of Crrade{uality-Manuhctrtre
Mandectrcd By
ilemphis Hardwood
Floori ng Go. ilemphis,Tenn.
Ard Dirtribdcd By
Lynwood, C;eL
Amd. NrtL BinL Bldg. lhn Frucbo
Harv Bfdg. Pctlend
Our large and diversified stock enableg u8 to .l give unusual seryice even on the moet \raricd and difficult orders.
Try Us And See
HARDIY()(ID TIIIIIBER all renark oa the exceplioaal beauty of thie f,oor. This dooriag ir Laown er
Lumber cut fron St. Francis Valley Oak ie world. fancd for ,itt beauty and u[iformity of color and tcxturc eail this firm user nothiag )ut selectcd lumbcr fron this territory.
and thc- E-enufacturcr will gladly rcnd ganples aad dircurr rtmts with any ia- terested dcalcr.
"""H;#';,8#F,,B*E*", 25t Flr.t Nrrtnd B.Dh BldS.
Hclonr, .A,rLannr
Sirth St., ncar Hrrriron . Kornt fof4
B.F.----*-*-dFFFilar!F1 ,4 -
Mr. H. J. (Andy) Anderson, head of the H. J. Anderson Lumber Company, of Portland, was in Southern California for several days, last rveek. He left Los Angeles on the l1th, intending to stop at San Francisco for a short visit, before returning to Portland.
Mr. Anderson in commenting on conditions in the north, and particularly around Portland, made the prediction that prices were due for a jump very soon, and that alleady many itenrs had been affected, mainly account of the continueil cold weather, and the inability of the mills to resume cutting.

He said that slash uppers were very scarce, and much in demand. This has been caused by the large amount of car