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Capacity 10(X) Doorr Daily.
Fir Moulding And Stock Sash
If,gh Gradc S0ock end Eired Gers ouf rpccidty. All doorr nadc mtiec end taon.
Excludve Reprecentativec in Sotrthern C.alifornia and Arizona material orders that have been placed in the last few weeks.
The H. J. Anderson Lumber Company is an old institution in the northwest, and is well and favorably known all along the coast.
Mr. A. O. Nelson, formerly Los Angeles manager {of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, and for many years identified with the lumber industiy on the Pacific Coast, has opengd offices in the Central Building, Los Angeles, as the A. O. Nelson Company.
He is haniling a general wholesale line, lumber, lath, shingles, etc., aid ainounces that he will be in a position to ofier stocks both for rail and cargo shipment.
Ules Urged
Washington, Jan.8.-The Census Bureau of the pepgtment of Clommirce is urging cooperation of all lumber manufacturing associationi and individual manufacturers in procurins a p-rompt return of manufacturing sihedules for ihe calentat veari923. The forms were mailed by the Bureau to manufacturers on January Znd, and the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association has sent to the regional manufacturing associations a request that they cirialarize their members in behalf of prompt reply.
The Director of the Census is very anxious to publish the statistics at the earliest possible date, and recipients- of the blanks are urgently requlsted to make their reports !efore the end of Jinuary,-and the sooner the better' The Bureau promisei to publish the lumber totals within a few days after the receipt of the last report.
th" C.tt.rt Buriau has been viry helpful to the lumber industry, and the prompt return- of the schedules gives the industry an opportunity to reciprocate.
Mr. T. E. Whitmer, head of the Whitmer Jackson Comoanv. of Albuquerque, N. M., is on his way East, *!t9{' he is'to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of his company. ffl witt return about the first of March, and is expected to spend a few days in Los Angeles before going back to Albuquerque.
I \ Strub. and Sweet recently opened a new retail yard at Roscoe.
Cooley ,{rizona to be Re-named y Cady Lumber Company
James G. McNary, president of the First National Bank of El Paso, is to be honored by a change in the name of Cooley to "McNary." Cooley is a part of the property of the Cady Lumber Company of Louisiana, with which Mr. McNary is associated. It wasl acquired about a month ago from Los Angeles banking interests that had represented Tom Pollock of Flagstaff, who had there built a great sawmill with a railway line connecting it with Holbrook and the Santa Fe.
The original name of the townsite was that of an old Indian scout, long a resident of the locality, C. E. Cooley. While he participated in many erlgagements with Indians, finally settling down rvith an Indian wife, he best is remembered for a card game in rvhich he won an Arizona valley. His opponent, l\{arion Clark, had said "Show low and you take the ranch." Cooley shorved low, and the valley, now with an important tor.ttn, since has been knorvn as "Show Low."
Philip Buehner And Henry Buehner Bay District Visitors
Philip Buehner and Henry Buehner, of Portland, Oregon. were recent visitors in San Francisco rvhere they spent a few days calling on Allan Turner, the well known San Francisco lumberman. They were on their way to the Northwest, after spending several lveeks in New York on business. Mr. Philip Buehner was formerly owner of the Buehner Lumber Co. at Marshfield, Oregon.
Al Frost Entertains Employees Christmas
Mr. Albert A. F'rost, manager of the Frost Hardwood Company, and the San Diego Lumber Company, at San Diego, provided a splendid Christmas treat for his employees last month, in the form of a banquet and entertainment, held at one of the San Diego cafes, on Dec.22nd..
A variety of talent furnished the entertainment f6r the evening, and Mr. Frost took the opportunity to thank the forces of both concerns for their support and loyalty.
E. J. Dodge Purchases Large Tract of Redwood
In a deal recently consummated the E. J. Dodge Lumber Company became the owner of a large tract of virgin redwood timber on Howe Creek. The tract contains a hundred million feet of lumber, (and is situated three quarters of a mile south of the lVletropolitan mill.)
In order to log the tract it is planned to construct a threemile railroad, including a bridge over the Eeel River. This will connect the tract with the Northwestern Pacific tracks at the Dinsmore's switch.
Work will begin early in the spring both in building the railroads and chopping in the newlv acquired holding of the company.
The E. J. Dodge l-unber company has been operating in this vicinity for approximately forty years.
At present it ernploys one hundred men in the mill and another hundred in the logging operations.