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Four Per Cent Cartage Tax
fn a recent bulletin issued bv the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, Mrs. 1. E. Fraser, secretary-manager states the following regarding the 4 per cent Cartage Tax.
"We have received so many inquiries regarding the pres- ent status of this tax that we thought it wise to isJue a Bulletin advising what information we have on the subject."
"You will recall that Senate Bill No. 7@ was passed at the last session of the Legislature-this was cilled the WAGY WEIGHT TAX BILI-and under this measure the Weight Tax was considerably increased. This information was given you in Bulletin issued July 25, 1927. After the passage of this measure a Referendum Petition was filed at Sacramento, with sufficient signatures affixed thereto to place the matter on the ballot at the next General Election to be held in November,1928. This petition held up all action under the Wagy Bill, and left in effect the 4 per _cen_t _qROSS CARTAGE TAX-however the 4 per cent GROSS CARTAGE TAX was only efiective up to December 3lst, 1927."
"Much has been seen in the papers recently regar.ding the
The Garrett Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland, have taken a lease on the old Federal Lumber Co. wharf at Alameda. They will operate this as a branch yard for the hanrlling of their cargo shipments.
State pressing its claims against operators for fees under the 4 per cent GROSS CARTAGE TAX LAW. We are informed that at a conference held in Sacramento it was agreed that no new license plates for Trucks would be issued through any club or organization other than the State Motor Vehicle Department, so that plates could be refused those who were in arrears in the payment of the 4 per cent Tax. We further understand that in September, 1927, the Motor Vehicle Department made a checliof vehicles on the highways, stopping those who had not paid their 4 per cent Tax and ascertaining the reason why-this action was followed up with notices. Evidently from the inquiries received a number of you have received these notices."
"The Motor Vehicle Department surely expects to force the issue. We are advising our members to pay the 4 per cent Gross on all cartage charged on materials hauled outside of incorporated city limits. If the State Department makes an arbitrary demand, simply come back with a statement showing the amount received for special hauling charge on materials delivered over STATE AND COUNTY HIGHWAYS, only, eliminating from the statement all drayage accruing on deliveries in incorporated towns."
Earl Johnson, formerly manager of the Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. yard at Hayward has resigned and is embarking into the retail lumber business for himself. He has bought the Independent Lumber Co. at Livermore.