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Hospitality and Good Fellowship Reign at San Joaquin Annual
San Joaquin Valley lum'bermen have a reputation for whole-hearted hospitality, and genuine good-fellowship.
And they surely lived up to that reputation, even improved on it, on the occasion of their twenty-sixth annual meeting at Fresno on Saturday, January 2O.
J. C.
er had attended any most successful and ever held, anywhere.
Folks who have attended all, or most all the annual sessions of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's club say that this was one of the most enjoyable ever held. Folks who nevwere positive that it was one of the most delightful gatherings of the kind
Inasmuch as the club is organized largely for social purposes, and is not a lumbermen's association in the ordinary sense_ of that term, the business meetings shared witfr tni social functions of the day in earning thi attentions of the S4n Joaquin men and women, and thiir guesrs.
Activities started in the early m,orning with the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the California R-etail Lumbermen's association, followed by a luncheon at which rnembers of the state association and all other visiti.ng lumbermen were guests of the San Joaquin Club. i Tlre regular business meetings and election of officers tpok:place' :dtr the afternoon session.
But the principal function of the day was the din,ner- dance and, entertainment at the Hughes hote{ in the even_ i"S. It was a brilliant gathering oi several hundred lum_ bermen and their familiel.
J.. C. Ferger of Fresno, president of the club, who was re-elected to succeed himself, presided at the various ses- sions, but gladly shared the hbnors of the occasion with Hiram F. Brey of Porterville, venerable ex_president of the club whose recent recovery from a severe illness was the g1us9 of great rejoicing on the part of the entire party. Mr. .Brey was introduced to the luncheon meeting and *is given a remarkable ovation, testifying to the loi., e"te"m and, veneration with which he is-refarded by his fellow lumbermen
Mr. Brey expressed his appreciation of the many kind_ nesses- extended by club through his illness, and then re_ viewed, briefly, the early history of the organization. The club was formed, he pointed out, on June- 13, 1996 bv lj men gathering a.t an inforrnal dinner.- It has grown'and prospered ever since.
With the business of disposing of the ,luncheon out of !!e _way, President Fergei read- greetings from George M. Cornwall, e4itor of the Timberman, A: L. porter, se'c- retary of the_ Western Retail Lumbermen,s Association, and Peter B. I(yne, lumberman-author and honorary -.*l ber of the club.
Mr. Kyne added a postscript to his letter asking that he " (ContirruEd "ofi""P-ag€:r29), : : :.