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llhe Nflodenn Mlenah,antus Year
1923 will be the greatert merc'handiring year.
It will lgrpar! dl other year! becaurc with every year that har paged the public has been educated to erpect more and more of itr public rervantr.
And the lumber dealer ie a public asayalt-if he is properly represent' ing hia etewardehip.
There is no longer room for tf,e lumberman who seee the changer that are tfing pLace in the world, in burine$, in tte local town in lho --^'ls' derher, and thoughtr of the people who live there, and yet doea nothing to change hir wayr of doing bgrinesr, and keep up with the proce6ion.
The world old rule of "rurvival of the fittert" har read the death warrant of thir rott of busine6 man. 1923 wilt have no place for him.
.,Wake up or get outtt ie the elogan t{rat greetr the mental virion of the reaction. Timer heve changed, thin$ have changed, humanity har changed in its delireE, competition har changed, and today the man who dependr for hie livelihood on some form of SERVICE to his fellow man' murt develop hir business rnd hb bqrinece methods to keep rtep with the onward march of progrecr.
No intelligent man can look about him and doubt there factr.
No longer need the retait lumberman remain a peddler of boarda. He mrrrt and shall become a BUILDING SPECIALIST-A BUILDING MER. CHANT.
A little m(re energy, a little more ambition, a little more "p"pr" a little more vition, a little more courage, and a little more printer'3 ffi-aaf 1f,s problern ir solved.
Thece things conctitute a bridge rpanning e chasm between the old and the new, the live and the dead.
And the live building merchant will continue to learn in 1923 ar he did in 1922-as ANY man will learn ANY year when he giver it a fair trial-thet modern mgchandiring ia no recpec{er of perronr, placee, com' moditier, or timer; that it works iurt'ar efiectively and ruccerdully for one man ar for another in direct proportion to the arnount of intelligencer ener€ty, penirtence, and honert rervice that he putr into it'