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Lambert Is New Head of Pine Ass'n
The annual meeting of the California White and Sugar Pine association was held at San Francisco on January 25' Officers were elected as follows: Frank H. Lambert, General lVlanager of the McCloud Lumber Co., President; George D. Oliver, Vi'ce-President of the H'obart Estate, Vice-President, E. H. Cox, General Manager of the Sugar Pine,Lumber Co., Treasurer; C. Stowell Smith Secretary and Manager.
Phone or Wire Your Inquiriee
(Frcm The Gulf Coast Lumberman)
Eighteen years ago The Standard Alcohol Company built a wood alcohol plant at F'ullerton, La' They then built five big storage tanks of California Redwood, each holding about 30,000 gallons. These tanks have been in constant use for eighteen years.
The Compa,ny is now dismantling its plant at Fullerton and m,oving it .to Cuba, 'ivhere 'they will reenter business. The big Redwood tanks were taken apart and were foun'd to be in an absolutely perfect state of preservation, so the company is shipping them knock-down to Cuba, where they will again be put together and used.
When eighteen year old tank sto'ck is so good that it is worth freight to Cuba, it is some record for tank material.
The following directors were elected: D. H. Steinmetz, James Danaher, Jt., I. L. Reeder, W. R.,Thorsen, W. H. Swayne, B. W. Adams, J. D. Spaulding, W. J. Walker, R. F. Pray, F. B. Hutchens, E. H. Cox, G. A. Krause, J. M. White, A. Davies, Fred Schallock, I. M. Johnson, J. P. Hemphill, F. J. Solinskv, Jt., W. Y. Kellogg, O. C. Haslett, H. Rowe, W. T. Virgin, G. D' Oliver, R' D. Baker, F. H. Lambert, H. D. Mortensen, M. S. West, E. J. Grant, W. E. Lamm, J. O. Gol,dthwaite, J. R. Shaw, James Tyson, E. M. Pres,cott, J. J. Steiger, and F. S. Murphy.
Resolutions were passed extending the association territory to include Arizona and New Mexico and the state of Oregon up to and i;ncludinig the Rogue River watershed'
The annual report f.or 1922 was read by Secreta-ry-Mal: ager Smith. His report reflected the most substantial piog..t" in the history of the Associatiol and that its policies"and activities ate no* firmly established not only locally but throughout the United States.
The membership of the Association now contains the names of forty-eight (48) manufacturers of lumber an'd has close relaiioni witlh other organizations such as the National Lum,ber Manufacturers' Association; California Development Association; California- Manufacturers' Association; Charnber of Co,mmer'ce of the United States'; Oalifornia Forestry Committee; California Forest Protective Association, and Californians, Inc.
Other points discussed in his report were Policy, Jr.ade Names, National a'nd State F'orest Policy, -.Legislation, Grading B'ureau, Statistical Bureau, Standardization, and Publicity.
Other reports submitted were: Grading Rules,-.D' H' Steinmetz;-Traffic, D. M. Swope; Advertising, Willis-J' Walker; 'Forestry, R. E. Danaher; Legislative,- D' M' Swope, and the report of the Auditors. The meeting w.as largely attended ".td all districts included in the Associatioi were well represented' I