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Ross Leaves Paruffine Cos.; with Enamel Mf$r.
Arthur G. Ross, for the past six and a half years advertising manager of The Paraffine Companies,- I.nt',^h3.t resigned'his polition t'o become sales mauager of the Californ'ia Metal ^Enameling Co., with offices in San Francisco'
The California Metal Enameling Co' headquarters'and factory are in Los Angeles and with the completion of their ,r.* pl"ttt. now undei construction, it will be the second largeit con,cern of its kind in the United States. They ,pii"lir" in the manufacture of Cameo porcelian enamel signs and o'ther enamel products.- In line with the gene.ral gr-owth of business and -with their new plant now.nearing Eompletion, the company have greatly extended their administrative and salei organizations to meet this increase in business.
The sales territorv includes everything from Denver west and oftipes are loca'ted in Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland, Spokane, Dallas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles'
Mr. Ross is one of the prominent and popular members of the San Francisco Ad Club and has always taken an active p'art in its affairs' Due to his long connection with The Pirafftne company, he has a wide acquaintance among the large paint minufacturers and advertising manag-ers of the foutttty and also is well known by the lumber fraternitv of the Bav District.
The RiteJ[1dc Inspector Says:
A SUru-ft notior other defect in the tip of A- an "Extra Clear" shingle may not injure the value of the shingle for most purposes. However I cannot allow such defects in RiteGrade Extra Clears.
The reputation built around the name, "RiteGradett during the past seven yearlt will not justify our using the irade name, ttExtra Cleartt on a shingle that does not live up to that name by being entirely free from defects. Also our experien-ce shows-us that allowance of a limited amount of defect uaually causes trouble as it is a common human weakness io keep slipping a trife over a set limit' whether it be spled liws' sleeping hours or shingle grades.
Of course it costs our mills more to keep their shingles uD to Rite-Grade standards than to make the ordinary "i"d.. - S"t we find the consumer ready to assume this ir"a".t .Jditi"""t cost in order to secuie a rtandardizcd and guarantccd article.
In purchasing shingles from a mill not under Ritccr"i"'i"ip.ition, ttrJ lumber dealer may get excellent rftin"l.t oi h" -"y get an extremely poor article' If he il"v J;iiit*Ct"de inelpectcd" sh in gles, he- knows that they wiil be uD to a reasonable standard of quality .as wel! ". ".I"t"ii"itig " ain"it" guaranteed quantity in each bundle.
The Rite'Grade Shingle Aerociation
HenrY Buitding, Seattle, Warh'
C. C. MacEstep will join the sales force of the Western S,tates Lumber Co-pany on February 1, and-will work the San Joaquin and Sactamento Valley districts' Mr. MacEstep has been connected with the lumber business of the Bay District for several years and was formerly with the Har[-Wood retail yard of San Francis'co. For the present he will work out of San Francisco but later will make Stockton his headquarters.
C. W. Muller, who has been covering this territory,-will w'ork the Bay territory and the Peninsula as far south as San Louis ObisPo.
The Western States Lumber Company repont that business is exceedingly good and although this organization has onlv been in businJss since last October, its business has exp'erienced remarkable development. -'The compaly is undei the management of Richaid A. Hiscox, who has been one of the ou-=tstanding figures in the lu'mber industry of California for many y1ari, and associated with him are his son Richard G. Hiicox 'and C' W. Muller, both of whom yere with him for many years in the Hart-Wood Lumber Company.