1 minute read
Hdffi 'Ihe l.rft1hr CapiBl DfAmricd
Tacoma manufactures more forest products 'than any other city in America.
More forest products are available direct from manufacturers with plants or sales offices in Tacoma than in any othes city lp tt. *,"ii{-----
Tacoma has the largest production offir d-o-or8n,'fu 4;;;i p.iit" ."a wooden columns of any city in the world.
The planing mill and woodworking industriee have been developed to a , -s*ter degree in Tacoma than in any other city in ttt. *&i. -- - ln 'l'acoma is available for the buyer everytting iroduced in pacific Northwegt forest products.
Tacoma ships more lumber coastwise, inter-coastal and foreign combined, than any other city.
Tributary to Tacoma is a tremendous_ qrea of old growth yellow Fir, western Hemlock, Red cedar and spruce, availibL i" ti"--iih-;; rail and water, malcing Tacgma the center and shippirrg poirrt-oi thl lggest lumber producing district.
Use these advantagel. Btry ln Tacoma. Locate your buying office in Tacoma.
Establish-your woodworking factory or saw-mills in Tacoma, which has combined rail and waier sites- pnd the cheapot "l""iri; p;;;r"i" America. Combine business with pleasure and visit T"""-"itrr" "Lr. Write for illustrated,4escriptive book, giving full and ""i""Ut" lif"r#,i";
, r for all !ure1s. of lum6er and othei Pac'ific Northwesi f";J ;;;;;;:
Have-your inquiries placed before the entire manufacturing inLrertg oJ Tacoma and Tacoma District.
TAcoMA r.u*o#iil! l'.Y,il"r."ona, warhinston