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Ten "Musts" for Lumber Dealers
Gerald Meliff, of San Antonio,'Texas, one of the best known retail lumber m,erchants in The Lone Star State, has been making a series of addresses on merchandising to the retail lumber conventions of the north and east, be. ginning in Indiana, and w'orking east to the Northeastern convention.
In his talk he gives ten "musts" for lumber merchants, as follows: and feel of those how to
"You must believe in the community in which you live and be glad you are permitted to live there.
"You must believe in your fellow ,men, including your competitors.
"You must know that you are in the best business on earth.
"You must take a person'al interest in your town and its people.
"You must have and hold the confidence and respect of the people about you.
"You must know your business from the ground up.
"You must know the commodities you are selling, the commodities you ought to sell, and the commodities you are apt to be asked to sell.
"You must know the needs of your cornmunity that it is your personal obligation to take care needs.
"You must know plans'and specifications, and draw and write them, if necessarY.
"You must know salesmanship."
And in regard to these "musts" Mr. Meliff added:
"If you have most of these qualities and keep a smile orl your face, and carry a large supply of real hand shakes up your right sleeve, then you are in position to sell completed building service in your home town.
"If you have all. of this in your system and DON'T sell "Service," then you are doomed to run a wood yard the balance of your days, instead of a Building Material Store."
Bennett Calling On Mill Connections In Oregon And Washington
Garry E. Bennett, of the Bennett-Hamlin Lumber Company, is in the Northwest on a business trip calling on the -o,rnpany's mill connections. While in the north Mr. Bennett wiil make his headquarters with the Doty Lu'mber & Shingle Comp,any at Portland, which mif they represent in Cilifornia. However, he anticipates visiting the Seattle, Tacoma, Grays Harbor, Everett, and Vancouver districts.
Mr. Bennett expects to be away about three or four weeks, and during his absence his partner Fred.S. Hamlin will look after the California end oT the business.
Valley Boys Visit Big City
J. C. Ferger and F. Dean Prpscott of Fresno, and Elmore King of Balersfield, pr'ominent lumbermen of the San Joa' quin Valley were recent visitors to San Francisco where they spent a few days looking after business matters.
These men are working on such a system in a western logging camp.