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For rail delivery we havc the best 1" Gnccn Fh Clean on the market.
Juot ask ue-we'll tell you.
The eame is true of Kiln lhied.
Another thing ie crating. Lumber cut to exaet Iength up to 60 inchcr was the g(rest of the evening and assisted in the initiation by reading the Code of Moril Ethics to the new members. Frank-Trower, past Snark of the lJniverse, also- assisted in the iniation by ieading the Secret Work of the Order. After the initiation-Mr. LeMaster outlined plans for future concats in this section of the state.
During the latter part of February at the. joint m-eeting of the S"acramento Valley, San Joaquin, and Central California Lumbermen Clubs, at Stockton, plans are already under way for a large concat.
At later dates concats will also be held at Fresno; and in Salinas County which will mark the opening of new district in California. Mr. LeMaster also said a few words on the remarkable advance that Hoo-Hoo has made throughout the country this year and to-date have taken in neirly as many new members as were initiated during the yeai 1922; diing 192?, 756 new members were taken into the order whilJ 1923 shows to-date that about 700 new members have been enrolled. Spark Faull announced that the next concat in the Bay District will be held in April and will be in the form of an athletic night -and smoker. Boxers and wrestlers from the Olympic Club, University of California, and other organizations will -pro- vide the entertainment. Snark Faull read a telegram fpom H. R. Isherwood, secretary-treasurer of the Hoo-Hoo, wishing good health to all and a successful concat, and also advising the recent concat held in Kansas City, where 74 new members were initiated and 55 members were reinstated.
The kittens, all from San Francisco, except where otherwise designated, were:
Edward J, Quinn, J. R. Hanify Co.
Wendall McKee Brown, J. R. Hanify Co.
Clifiord Earl Coates, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland.
Frederick W. Roth, J. H. M'cCallum & Co'
Charles Fred Jenne, Lumber Commission
Felix Richards, Richards Hardwood Lumber Co.
Arthur Abbey Hiscox Vallejo Builders Supply Co', Vallejo. ) 'Clayton Winfield Greene Vallejo Builders Supply Co., Vallejo.
Emmanuel Fritz Ass't. Professor of Forestry-University of California Berkeley.
Bruce Lumber Burlingame, Redwood Manufacturing Co', Pittsburg.
Earl Ray Davis, Coos Bay Lumber Co.
Robert Smith Firmstone, Wm. Smith Co.
George Corwin Troth, Boulevard Lumber Co., Oakland' Ly,rnin H. Taft, Jr., California White and Sugar Pine Association.
Charles Webster Doe, California Door Co.
The following members were reinstated:
Allen Turner, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.
Hunter Savage, Hunter-Savage Lumber Co.
A. A. Dimmick, California & Oregon Lum,ber Co.
Al Nolan, Pacific Lunaber Co.
S. W. Burgess, Union Lumber Co.
The committee responsible for the wonderful entertainment, the success of the concat consisted of Ed. Chamberlin, Homer B. Maris, Frank O'Connor, and Walter Madill.