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Up and Down the
F. A. Castetter, president of the Oregon Lumber Agency of Los Angeles, his just retu:ned from a three weeks'-trip to northefr California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia where he visited his various.mill connections and inquired into market conditions.
He first stopped at Metropolitan to confer with officials of the Metropofitan Redwood Company as he handles their oroducts in Southern California. He also stopped at Euieka and other redwood centers.
At Portland he called on officials of the Eagle, Willapa, Duncan and Wheeler Lumber Companies all of which he represents in the South. He reports them well supplied wiih orders and stocks extrernely scarce' although every mill is running to full capacity to supply the demand.-
The Eagle Lumber Company with headquarters in Portland and mills at Westimber, he says,-are abput to open all 'office at Grants Pass, Ore. in charge of A. B. rDavis, to handle pine orders for some of the prominent southern Oregon pine rnills. They will do this business under the name of the Eagle Pine ComPanY.
Mr. Caitetter visited the plant of the Tacoma Planing Mills at Tacoma and reports them running full time. This company, which enjoys a substantial trade in California, recentiy begatt manufacturing a high grade line of fir doors, specializing in one and two-panel jobs.
'."All mills in the fir territoiy report extremely good business with the market growing firmer every week," is Mr' Castetter's summary of the situation.
/ Nuw sAN JosE YARD DoING GooD BUsrNEss
The McElroy-Cheim Lum,ber Company.is.the newest reiail lumber enterprise in San Jose, but it is operatq{ Py experienced handi. James H' McElroy and l-eo C. 9l"itt ari the principals and both are high grade lumbermen. Their vard is lt Souttr First and Oak streets in San Jose and they ire enjoying a steady run of business.
A new warehouse and storage shed has just been completed by the Kerckhoff-Cluzner l-umber Company at Brawley to iake care of finished lumber, cement, .roofing, and other building material. This makes the Brawley yard on_e of the best e(uipped in the Kerckhoff-Cuzner chain and J. A. McCain, the manager, is justly proud.