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A. R. McCullough of the McCullough-Fag1n I-umber Company's San Frincisco offi'ce, has gone to Portland to visit'the northern office of the company and their various mill connections. In addition to the Portland offi'ce, in charge of H. J. Fagan, the company also -has Roger layne' on" 5f the beit-known lumbermin in the Northwest, workins out of Seattle.
'$'lftit. in the North Mr. McCullough will visit the new mill of the Whitney company at Garibaldi, Oregon, whose products the McCuilough-Fagan organization are handling in California. As soon as he returns from Oregon he expects to visit Los Angeles to- confer with B. W. Bookstaver, manager of the southern office.
Jongeneel Resigns From Pittsburg Plant
A. H. Jongeneel, for many years gener'al manager of the Redwoqd Manulacturers company at Pittsburg, has resigned, and has arranged to piss the next few months on a"trip ihrough the Eait. W. M. Casey,.general sales rnanager'of the Jompany, has been appointed to su'cceed him'
Euphart Touring Sawmill Country
M. L. Euphrat, of the Wendling-Nathan Co', is in the Northwest on a business trip. He will visit the Portland, Gravs Harbor, Tacoma, Seattle, and Vancouver, B' C', lum'ber districts ldhile in the North'
tET US TAIIE CARE of your ordinary Pine nequirementc with CONSTRUCTION AND MERCHAI'ITABLE REDWOOD.
Moet of California's oldest homes were almost entirely built of Redwood. Their present good condition proves this wood to be of ample strength and remarkable durabilitY.
California retailers realizing the adaptability of REDWOOD to their ordinary Pine reguirements are now buying in especially large quantities.
We have a good assorted stock on hand for immediate shiprnent. Let us take care of your lumber troubles with the begt of REDWOOD.
533 Kerckhofr Buildinq
Wholesale Lumber, Poles and Piling
We have 20,000 pieces No. 2 Fir and Redwood ties for quick deliverY.
Douglas Fir
Nofthern White Pine
Idaho White Pine
Westetn Soft Pine White Fir
Pacific Coo,st Hemloeh
Washington Red Cedar Red Fir and Larch
Notuay Pine
Cedar Psles and Piling