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Ilerds the Erifunce! Screen s#h Co. Ben Reed's Pfize Offer Arouses Interest Among Bay Salesmen
Lumber salesmen in the San Francisco Bay district are going to conrpete for cash and glory under terms of.r';.tli'b unique contest initiated a few weeks ago by Ben Reed, the enterprising secretarv of the Lumber Association of San Francisco.
Mr. Reecl, in brief, offers $50 to the salesman in the Bay district making the most original sale'of lumber within the 60-day period beginning Monday, January 8.
The terms of the contest are fully described in the following letter sent by Mr. Reed 'to Richard C. Jones, president of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Fian-cisco:
Pnrsuant to offer made by the writer at the last meeting of your club J am pleased to confirm herewith tbis .offe: as follows:-
A prize of $50 to be given to the salesman in your club who effects the most original sale within a period 'of sixty days from Monday, Januarv 9th, 1923. $25 of this prize to be donated by the Lumber Association and $25 !y the writer.
The general terms of this cornpetition will be as follows:-
Sale to be made in San Francisco' Amount of sale $250 or over. Sale must show a real profit as to the lumber and millwork based on present costs.
The report of the sale in this connection must be ac.ompanied by original documents showing prices and name of buyer which will be [ept secret except as to the commitiee. Will designate as judges of this contest :-
Chairman, N{. A. Harris, S. W' Towle, S. Steinberg'
The method by which the contestants shall submit their sales I wish to leave entire'ly to you. I would suggest that they be sent to you as President of the Lu]iber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco in sealedtnvelopes inside of whi'ch will be a card in a smaller "rrteiope on which is written the salesrndn's name who submits the sale. In this way we could have an unbiased judgment on them before -the final result.
Will you kindly give publicity of this offer through the proper chanriels of your organization ?
Very truly Yours, BEN W. REED.