2 minute read

Among the D ealers


For many years the Barr Lumber Company of Santa- Ana and Whittier has made a practice of distributing, at Christmas .time, additional compensation to all its employes in proportion to the success of the birsiness; checks aggregating-more than $5@0 were distributed to about 100 employes just before the recent holidays'

- This year, also, the company invited all its employes- and their, families to an elaborate turkey dinner at one of the popular eating places of Santa Ana. Good cheer and friendii.t-ess pren4ilid and sorne splendid ent,ertainment was offered by members of the party. O. H. Barr, head of the orgariizat'ion, presided, and C. C' Barr, rnanager of the Whittier yard, was the principal speaker; 'another speaker was "Billy" Whltney, who has been an employe of the Barr Lumber Compatty ind its predecessors for more than 30 years.

- A significant feature of the evening was the_expression of good will from the C. H. Chapman Lumber Company, a competing concern. Maurice Phillips, a :member of that orginization, entertained the gathering with a number of yrleasing vocal selections.

New Stockton Yard To Be Ready March 1

The new yard now being established at St'ockton by- W. H. Falconbury and associates will be ready for operations about March i, according to present estimates.' Substantial improvements are being made on the site which is located on Wood Island at Fremont, Baker and Stockt'on streets. A modern office is being built, and con-rpl.ete equipment for an up-to-date and progressive office is be'ing assembled. The new enterprise will represent an inveslment of approximately $100,000, it is said. Mr. Falconbury expects soon to leave his present connections as manager of the Modesto Lumb'er Company at Modesto, where he has gained a position of prominence and esteem in the community.

This Yard Will Be Well Lighted

Viney and Milliken, ov/ners of the Baldwin Park Lumber Company at Baldwin Park are going 'to let the light shine fiercely upon their plant and property. An electric lighting sysiem has been suspended over the entire yard, making it as bright by night as by day' This serves not only as an effective advertisement but reduces the operations of pilferers to a minimum.


In calling attention to the approaching tenth anniversary of the Fox-Woodsum Lumber Company of Glendale, the Glendale News devotes almost a column of a recent issue to a fu'll description of the ofrfice, plant and business methods of that enterprising concern.

The company will be ten years old next Spring but in that comparatively short time has grown to be one of the most impoftant retail lumber con,cerns in Southern California. In addition 'to the main office and yard at Glendale the concern operates five other modern yards at important points in nearby territory.

Within the last y,ear the 'company has expended more than $50,000 for improvements at the Glendale plant, providing a modern planing mill, sash and door factory and fireproof storage sheds.

Officers.of the 'cornparty are Frank L. Fox, president and manager; S. T. Woodsum, vice presid'ent, and W. R. Vanderwood, secretary-treasurer and assistant manager.


W. W. Kummerland, formerly connected with the American Trading Company's hardwood department, is installing a lumber yard and dry kiln 'on Jones avenue rn East Oakland and will handle a line of hardwoodg. A tract of five acres has been obtained which will be used for the new enterprise.

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