2 minute read

Under the Pines flnd These Timely Tales Are Redwoods Gathered


E. L. Fifield, represeptative in Northern Califoriria for the Gerlinger Lumber Co. of Fortland, has just rettrrned to San Francisco fronr a two-weeks' trip to Portland. While in the north he spent seyeral days calling on the rnills in the Portland and Willamette Valley districts.

Accompanied by Louis Gerlingef, he also visited the Willamette Valley Lumber Company's plant at Dal'las, Oregon, which plant is operated by the Gerlinger interests.

Mr. Fifield reports that the markef in the Portland district is strong and that the mills are well booked with desirable orders. He also states the car situation is improving and that shipments afe coming forward with a fair degree of promptness.

O. F. Folsom, who represents Mr. Fifield in the Sa,cramento and San Joaquin Val{eys, has completed a trip around the territory and is spending a few days in the San Francisco ofrfice.


Homer B. Maris, the well known hard,wood and panel dedler of San Francisco, was a recent visitor in Southern Califorrtia and passed .much of his time in company with his friend Mark W. Lillard who supplies the southern trade with a large proportion of its sash and, door requirements. Mr..Maris recently completed a very su,ccessful term as vice-gerent snark for the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo district and says that the increasing volume of his business now is taking all his time.


Fifteen per cent of the soil of California is, a.ccording to the United States Forest Service, timbered or cut-over land in private ownership. More than two million acres, an area equal in size'to Trinity County, have already been stripped of merchantable timber, and this acreage of cut-over land is being increased at the rate of 60,000 acres a year. California's forests are valued at one and a half billion dollars, and the investment in logging equipment and sawmills is estimated to be at least 5O million dollars.

Another Lumber Carrier In Service

Texas Girl Locates In California

Miss Anna Payne, formerly 4 member of the office stafi of the Kirby Lumber Company at Silsbee, Texas, has come to California and accepted a position in the offi'ce of the Shaver Lake Lumber Company af Clovis. Miss Payne is an experienced lumber woman and is well acquainted with lumber affairs in the South. But she is in love with Ca,lifornia already and says she will not find it difficult, at all, to remain here permanently.


J. F. Carr, presideqt of the Sterling Lumber Cornpany oi San Francisco, wdl known line yard operators in northern California, dropped dtad in Chicago a few days ago. Mr. Carr was one of the best known 'lumbermen in the \{iddle West, being head of the firm of Carr, Rider & Adams of Dubuque, Iowa. He generdlly passed his Summers in California and had many friends among the lumbermen of this state.

The Donovan Lumber Company of Aberdeen, Wash., has secured the Shipping board vessel, San Ramon for service between the mill at Aberdeen and California ports. She will be placed on the run imnrediately.

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