7 minute read
cAtlF0Rl{lA and 0REG0l{ tUMBER c0tpAl{y
San Joaquin Club Entertains
(Continued from page 5) be particularly remembered to "my good friencl Hiram Brev."
By ur.ranirncius r.tite of was conferrerl upon Jack fornia Lumber \ferchant. tion was made by F. Dea Martin.
the meeting, honory membership
Dionne, publisher of The CaliThe rnotion initiating this acn Prescott and secondea lv t. C.
C. W. Pinkerton of \\thittier, president of the state association,- explained tl.re work and the plans of the state orgalizatior.r ancl urged that retailers throughout california avail_themselr'es of the advantages of membership.
Mis. Jessie Iig-gleston, secretary of the state association, called the roll of clirectors, reveal,ing 17 ol the 2l members of the board present.
W. _R.- Spalding of Visalia, w,ho has just completed an exte-nded trip to the eastern part oi the country, told in brief but interesting fashion of conditions that -he found on.his journ-ey. He reaffirmed his loyalty to the San Joa- quin Club of which he has been a mimber for 24 y.air.
Herbert lsvy of Fresno, speaking for the Californi.a Building & I-oan Association, urged the retailers gener- ally to interest thernselves in building and loan actiirities.
A. E. Fickling of Long Beach, president of the Southern Califor.nia Retail Lnmber Dealers' Association and ,a director of the state association, contrasted lu,m.ber and lruilding activities in California with those of Iowa which state he left only a cornparatively short while ago.
Fred E. Conner of Sacrarnento, past president of the state associatiorr, reviewed the progiess rnade by that organization since the date of inception less than a year ancl t haJf ago ancl praised Presiclent Pinkerton ancl Secretary E,ggleston for their present administration of affairs.
E. T. Robie of Sacramento, president of the Sacram.ento \talley Lumbernren's club ancl alsci a director of the state a_ssociation, referrecl to the state body as the connectin.g link between all the r-arious local clubs and associationi ancl emphasized the benefits to the individual yard or varcl owner by retaining membership in both his local and the state association.
S. O. Krantz of 'l'he California Lumber Mercha,nt tolcl of the progress of the new paper which r-row is only a little more than six months old and thanked the club on behalf of Jack Dionne for making Mr. Dionr-re an honorary mernDer.
George Weir of the Coos Bay Lumber company discussed the market situation and predicted that tlie present active buying season will continue for several months or longer. He viervecl with some apprehension the prevail- ing tendency of prices to advan'ce and said that the -market novv is high .enough regardless of demand. The higherthe advance the harder the inevitable fall, he asserted. .-Mr. Weir reported that the J'apanese demand for port Orford cedar, in which his company specializes, and other West Coast woods, is stronger-now than ever. ll'here was little argument about the election. All the old officers were re-elected with an enthusiasm that reflected the popular esteem in which they are held by the / members. They are: /
A. M. S. Pearce of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company at Oakland, also cliscussed the market situation brieflr, ani reported a strong demand from all parts of the state.
Following the luncheon ,members of the association reassembled in another room of the hotel for their annual business meeting and election of officers.
__.President, J. C. Ferger, Fresno; vrce president, Elmore/, King, Bakersfield; treasurer, J. G. Mariin, Fresno; secretary, Frank Minard, Fresno.
New members were elected as follows: F. U. Nofziger, Snnset Lumber Cor-npany, Fresno; Arthur H. Kelly, Arthur H. Kelly Lumber Company, Visalia; C. L. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Com.pany, Exeter, and paul Galle, Western Lurnber Company, Parlier.
Mem,bership in the club is held by individuals and not by firms or companies. A member must be an officer or an employe of a lumber company, however.
_ One of the principal talks ,at the afternoon Inteeting was that by A. J. ("Gus") Russe{l, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company of San Francisco, but who holds membership in the club by reason of the circumstance that he owni four or five live and progressive retail yards in the valley. Mr. Russell reported on his recent trip to Seattle, in ,co,mp,any with Jack Dionne and, Peter B. Kyne, to attend the Shingle Congress and of the gratificatioi that the shingle folks expressed to the Cali{ornia retailers for defeating ihe state housing bill with its anti-shingle provisions aI the recent election.
In rwiewing, casually, the so-ca11ed anti-shingle campaign, Mr. Russell gave particular creclit to the retailers in all parts of the state for the individual effort thev out forth to defeat the bill. He pointed out that the expenditures of the various retail yards, in newspaper adveitising alone, was ntore than two and a half times as much ai that of the state lumbermen's conrmittee of which he was the chairman; besides this, he cleclared, the retailers spent much in ways that the state committee had no meani of finding out about.
. The publicity given to shingles through the campaign has attracted the attention of home builders to theii use, both as a roof and as a side wall, said Mr. Russell, and this situation is one that the live retailer now can turn to his distinct advantage.
Further greetings were received from George Cardifi of Santa Cruz and M. L. D'oan of San Jose.
Communi'cations from A. L. Porter, secretary of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association regarding the Institute to be held at Spokane in February, were given extended attenticn.
Inasmuch as Mr. Ferger also is president of the Western retailers and inasmuch as the Institute promises to be full of inspiration and pleasant .entertainment, a large party of San Joaquin folks will make the trip to Spokane.
R. O. Deacon; F. Dean Pfescott and J. G. Martin w'ere named as the oflircial delegates of the San ]oaquin Club, while Jack Dionne and Peter B. Kyne, honorary members, were voted special powers at all the Spokane sessions.
The following already have registered their intention of joining the San Joaquin special car party: J. C. Ferger, Fresno; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; A. J. Russell, San Fran,cisco; J. G. Martin, Fresno; Miss Alberta Ruth Brey, Porterville; George Burnett, Tulare; Elmore King, Bakersfield; J. G. Ferguson, Clovis; Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Conner, Sacramento; R. O. Deacon, Fresno; Miss Edith M. Dernier, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Robie, Auburn; Peter B. Kyne, Los Angeles; W.F. Baird, Madera;W.B. Dean, Chico; Jack Dionne, I;os Angeles.
Mrs. Eggleston, at the afternoon session, explained in interesting detail, some of the work that the state association now is do:lng, among rvhich activities she enumerated, watching the action of the present legislature for proposals affectihg the lumber industry ; working with the state housing commission on the proposed new housing code to replace the one defeated at the recent referendum; negotiations with the West Coast Lum,bermen's Association for revisions of the grading rules that will permit acceptance of the undisputed items in a car of lumber pending re-
We bave ready for prompt ehipmenrt from our Bay Point, Cal., plant, a conriderable quantity of
ZandZx6" and wider
No. I and 2 Clear Cedar, either rough or surfaced
Ceilar Sftingles Cut to Yow 0iler inspection of items against which claims have been made. Mrs. Eggleston offer,ed the services of her offi,ce to all lumbermen in handling problems of state-wicle interest.
D. C. Birk of the Madera Sugar Pine Company explained the progress being made on tthe mill now being built to replace t}1e one destroyed by fire last Fall. He declared that it will be ready for operation by March 1 and that the company will have lumber on the market by May l.
Ahthur Kelly of Visalia, one of the newly elected members, expressed his ple.asure at being in the club again after being out of the organization for a few months following the time he left his for'mer connections and before he started in business for himself.
'fhe dinner-dance in the evening was enlivened by some good music that kept the dancers on their feet until well towards midnight.
The only speaker was C. D. LeMaster of Fresno, who holds the exalted office of Senior Hoo-Hoo in the Order of Hoo-Hoo, but "Iree" was content with telling a story. Allan Turner of the E. K. Wood Lurrber Company, with pleasing voice and manner, sang, delightfully, several popular songs.

The following registered their attendance:
L. E. Bancroft, Los Angeles; D. C. Birk, Madera; C. G. Bird, Stockton; 8,. L. Blackman, Oakland; A. C. Bowers, Anaheim; C. S. Brace, Stockton; H. F. Brey, Porterville; Alberta Ruth Brey, Porterville; F. W. Burgess, San Francisco; C. L,. Burnett, Exeter; George Burnett, Tulare.
R. E. Caldwell, San Francis'co; Earl A. Carlson, San Francisco; C. H. Chapman, Santa Ana; A. T. Clements, Fresno ; Ray Clotfelter, Visalia; Fred E. Conn.er, S-acramento; C.K.Crane, Exeter; M.B.Cross, Merced; A.J. Crow, Kerman.
R. O. Deacon,'Fresno; Dan C. Desmond, Fresno; E. W. Douglas, Fresno; R. P. Duncan, San Francisco.
Jessie Eggleston, San Francisco; H. W. Enlow, Biola; D. E,. Eymann, Reedley; J. J. Eymann, Reedley.
J. C. Ferger, Fresno; J. G. Ferguson, Clovis; A. E. Fickling, Long Beach; B. D. Francis, Exeter; Erwin Frane, Reedley.
W. H. Graves, Kerman; George A. Good, Tracy; W. G. Gregg, Los Angeles; Ray Grey, Ta{t; George B. Guillotte, Stockton.
I\{. A. Harris, San Ftancisco; Sam T. Hayward, Los Angeles; H. C. Henry, San Francisco; L. A. Horton, Fresno.
Roy A. Ibach, San Francisco.
S. B. Kettner, Ftestto; W. K. Kenclrick, Fresno; Arthur H. Kelly, Visalia; H. C. Kinnee, Dinuba; Elmore W. King, Bakersfield,; S. O. Krantz, Los Angeles.
H. S. Lake, Garden Grove; Fred R. Lam.on, Fresno; W. E. Landram, Merced; T. R. Larson, Los Angeles; Herbert Levy, Fresno; A. W. Lofgren, San Francisco.
C. R. Magnussen, Kingsburg.
\ /. B. March, Klink; J. G. Martin, Fresno; C. P. Marsh, Fresno; J. H. Matthews, Woodland; George L. Meissner, Lodi; Frank F. IlIinard, Fresno; W. C. Mitchell, Fresno.
F. U. Nofziger, Flresno.
R. T. O'Hara, Fresno.
Monroe Park, Fresno; A. M. S. Pearce, Oakland; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier.
E. T. Robie, Auburn; J. B. Robinson, Fresno; S. P. Ross, Hanford; A. J. Russell, San Francisco.
Chaster R. Schwartz, Elkville, Ind.; S. S. Skidmore, Downey; W. R. Spalding, Visalia.
EU Ccntnl Bldg. Loc Angelec lll0ll Belfour Bldg. San Francirco
H. S. Thomson, San Francisco; J. S. Todd, Oakland ; Allan Turner, Oakland; J. T. Tyrell, Fresno.
R. L. Vance, Los Angeles; H. E. Verble, Fresno.
L. S. Walker, Fresno; A. P. W,edel, Reedley; George Weir, San Francisco;J. F. Wright, Porterville.