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A Progressive Business Editorial
"Better tate than never" is the way we feet about .*or::;fX?"lii: ffi'.Iil
"1r?' "K"- tion of the article by your Mr. Dionne which appeared in the November issue of The California Itrlber Merchant, under the caption, "Glorifying the Kitchen." Progressive business editorials of this t5pe are, we feel, a distinct help to advertisers and is one add€d reason why we, as manufacturers of a kitchen "Glorifyingi' article (Pratt-Warner lroning Board) ' are strong for your publication yours trury, PRATT & WARNER, Bv O. V. Pratt. also have had ourtroubles. And one of these was what now is ancient history but which for months was very serious. I refer to Amendment No. 5 on the election ballot Nov. 7, 1922,and known as The Housing Bill, but for identifi'cation purposes referred to as the "Shingle Bill."
This club can be exceedingly proud in having as one of iti members a man who was big enough to step into the fight and carry it forward to a successful conclusion, giving freely of his time, his money, and hist ability; and the lumbermen all'over the state and the shingle manufacturers in particular owe to him and those associated with him, their undying gratitude. This person is none other than our genia[ and muc[ respected member, A. J. ("Gus") Russell, and in passing f ,must not forget to mention one other war horse who did great work in this fight, and who also is a m€mber of this club, Peter B. Kyne, famous author of CapPy Ricks and other stories so dear to the hearts of all those who have read them.
During this fight for the right of the shingle to continue on its duty pf furnishing to man the very best. roof covering for the lbast money it was necessary to raise funds to -girv on this fight, and when "Gus" asked for funds they weii forthcoming. Our club contributed som,e four hundred dollars to secure signatures for the referendum, and seven hundred and forty dollars toward, carrying the election in November, or a total of eleven hundred and forty dollars. In addition to this, our'members and individua'ls contributed the sum of thirteen hundred, and seventy-five dollars or a grand total of twenty-five hundred and fifteen dollars, not tiking into account the money spent by various companies for advertising in their local paper.
During this campaign J-ack Dionne thru his papers gave us all the help possible -and no doubt conrtributed very hiehly in stimulating interest among readers of his paper t"-pui their shoulderl to the wheel and help win the battle.
Now in conclusion, let me say, while the past year has been one filled with considerable work for your President it has been a pleasure to labor in your behalf, and wherl 1923 draws to a close I hope that all of you may be able to say that you have had the most prosperous year in the history of your business.
Merry Christmas
Merry Chrirtmas, gcntlc readcr, may your cup of joy o'erflow, May the road bc smooth beforc you, ar on your way you go;
May the troublcc of the prclent, and thc hadrehips of thc part, No longer than a bubblc in a mighty windstorm lagt.
That everything you're wiehing for yourself may all come true, Is the cum of all the wiehes. that wc're wiohing for you.
May Santa heap your stockinge whilc thc Christmas carols clang, Is the sincere Christmas greetingr of thc Lumber Mcrchant gang.