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Arthur Ronn of Paraffine "Boostn Our Stuff"
Here is a letter zaritten by Arthur Ross, .ldztertising Manager of the Paroffine Co's., san Francisco, Cal., addressed to qll tbe western salesm'en of that concern, ad'visi'ng t\em that the Company had enterps their subscription to the Catifornia I-umber Merchant, and, telling why.
San Francisco, Decembcr 13, 1922.
Beginning wit\ the first isoqe in January, The California Mcrchant will be sent to your home addrcr. The ncw Fuhlication ie one of the livegt tnde journals iasued in the entire country. lt ia published semi-monthly and becqurc of its live news and its unique editonal mpttcr, we know that you w$ 96 a grcat deal of benefit and mrrch velunhle infoqnation from reading it.
The publisher, Jack Dionnc, ir nn outrtpnding figure in 'Western lurp[er circles. He ic aleo publiohor pf the widcly hnown Gulf Coast Lumbermin. For many yearq he har carrhd q$ a{r educqtional campaign through its cq!umne to show aqd convinca the Reteil Lumbprmen that they rvere, or "hoUld be Building Material Merchants, inptcad of mere handlers of lumbei.
In line with the new moyemant for lumber merchants to sell complgtg homer-not juct eo mqch qf this and thlt material-Mr. Dionne has pr<rripd to them how a line of hish grade Painte and Varnishee naturally 6ts into 3 stock of building matgrialq and, theroforp, that Paint and Varnisher "hquld logically be rold by tuqbcr darbf ,* Ar a reault of hie unceasing effortq practically every retail lum[gr yerd in thc Sputhw?*, and a, large number in the Middle West, now carry cornpfete peiqt ttegka and do a 6ne budness.
Mr. Dionne ie vigorourty prcaching thie aame gospel to the lumber dcalerg of California in his ncw pirblicqtiod-;Tha California llmber Merchant. And it mav intereet you to kncw th*t hir wo* il already infuencing lur4per merchants to put in paint qtocka. Thif pelicy dove-tails with our plar;, 19 naturally, we want to make the moat oi thil'onportunity.
Now you know why thie excpllent tr6de tqagazine is being put into your. hands. Cordially yours, (Signed) .ARTHUR
c. ROSS, Advertiaing Manager.