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All of the secondary ports of Southern Cafifornia report substantial increases in the volume of lumber receipts in 7922 over 1921.
San Diego received 93,445,934 ieet last year, compared with 85,467,784 leet the previous year. This does not take into account the log rafts received by the Benson Lumber Company and which aggr'egate fully 20,0)0,000 feet' Redondo :eported 101,148,492 feet, compared with 68,160,122 f.eet the previous year.
Santa Barbaia's receipts were 17,621,587 feet in 1922 and 9.278.908 feet in 1921.
Los Angeles, with a total of. $121,206,787 ranked, third among the cities of the United States, being exceeded only by New York and Chicago. San Francisco with V5,327,206 was eighth.
San Francisco's rate of increase over 1921 was the best of all the large cities in the country, being ,more than 125 percent.
Following is the record of 13 Caliiornia cities for the twelve mon'ths of 7922, com,pared with l92l and for December,1922, compared with December, I92l: